
When you come up with an idea, one reason why it is better to propose incidental work at the same time

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today, I will talk about "One reason why it is better to propose incidental work at the same time when coming up with ideas".

But before that, please.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If so, please share it with your friends😁

Then it's the main topic.

Well, everyone.

Everyone is like a company, school, or home, but when you propose to someone, if you say it's cool, what kind of presentation do you do when you make a presentation?

Simply, do you want to throw in the idea you came up with a high strike in the middle?

Or do you want to throw it in a roundabout way, with a little habit like a slow curve at a lower outside angle?

I tried to compare it to baseball, but from the perspective of people who don't like baseball, "Huh? What are you talking about?" That's what you're talking about, right?

I'm sorry, it's a difficult analogy to understand, but now this analogy has come down from my head, so I tried using it.

So somehow, I wrote it down, but how was it?

If you don't mind, please comment again.

Well, that doesn't matter, what I really wanted to tell you today was the way of presentation.

Well, those who are good at presenting to people probably don't have any problems or worries, but many Japanese people are not good at it, aren't they?

Originally, it's a nation that is not good at self-assertion, so when I said that, it's not a bloodline, but it seems to be taken over.

That said, it doesn't mean that I'm not good at self-assertion is completely bad, but on the other hand, it's also a good place.

It's good news for those who care.

That's why I think "I'm not good at it" too much, and I don't need to think negatively.

Let's talk about that for a moment.

The story itself deviates from the main topic, but was Christel Takigawa, a former newscaster, invited to the Olympics before?

There was a killer word that became quite a hot topic when making that presentation, right?

Do you remember?

It's a five-letter word in hiragana.

That was great, it was decided at the end.

Isn't there still an archive on YouTube or something?

If you are interested, please take a look again.

It was a pleasant presentation.

Well, let's stop here for the digression, and we don't have unlimited time, so I'll get to the main topic I want to tell you today.

When you come up with an idea, it's time to present, what I want you to do at this time, that is, it's better to tell the incidental work together.

Well, in the end, today's theme has become the same, but it's really like this.

Most people do it when they come up with an idea, it's really just an idea.

So, as soon as I came up with the idea, at that time, the people around me started talking about the idea, saying, "Oh, it's not like this."

At that time, usually, various incidental tasks come out, and the idea is rubbed and trained.

So usually, the kneading work of the idea is done in the next process of coming up with the idea.

This is a normal meeting or a place for discussion.

That's right, why don't you just do it yourself?

Whether the idea is adopted or not, if you can make a presentation of what you have to do that comes out with the idea, won't you be a little like a "person who can do it"?

Don't you think you can be a cool person in the first place?

It's like you can see everything ahead, it's like you have a foresight, and it's likely to be seen by the people around you who are one step ahead, right?

Of course, there are also disadvantages that come out of proposing that idea and incidental work.

Even if you just think of it, is it the amount of work, the expected risk, and the cost?

What you said will be covered at once and made public, so depending on the scale, there is a possibility that people who are afraid will come out.

If you have a boss or someone who has the right to decide, there is a possibility that you will not be hired once, but the evaluation of the person who did this will not go down, almost certainly.

Rather, it's an explosion.

After all, it's called foresight, because you think you have the ability to take a wide range of things.

So even if you can't do it once, I strongly recommend you to do it twice or three times and improve your skills.

Finally, one more piece of advice.

If you try to do too much for the incidental work, you will ruin yourself quite a lot, and in the end, if you can't do the presentation itself, there is no point no matter how hard you work behind the scenes, so please never aim for perfection.

If you can present with a perfection of 60 points, you will pass first, and if you have a perfection of 80 points, you will be good.

Please try to work on it with this feeling.

That way, it will last longer.

So how was it?

Today's story.

Every day like this, I blog about presentation skills in an easy-to-understand way, focusing on that way of thinking, using psychology, brain science, personality analysis, etc.

So, if you are interested in today's blog, please bring your finger to this other blog once.

Everything can be read in about 5 minutes.

We accept questions, impressions, and consultations from the official LINE.

I will also post stories that I couldn't write, so I'm waiting for your registration.

Finally, if you say that today's story was good, please introduce it to your friends.

See you later✌️
