
If you prepare three options for a turning point in your life, things will turn out for the better

Hello everyone.
This is Sai & Co. from Sai & Co. WAKU Challenge Lab.
Today, I'm going to talk about "If you prepare three options for turning points in your life, things will turn out for the better."
But before that, I have a request.
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Now, on to the main topic.
Now, everyone.
I'm sure you've all encountered a turning point a few times in your life. ​
By the way, there's no one who's never encountered one, right?
There's no one who's lived a life of calm, like, "I've never experienced a turning point!" or "What is a turning point?", right?
If there is such a person, it's a rare case.
It's very rare, so please tell me about it next time.
I'll treat you to a meal.
So, I'm talking about a "turning point" that probably the majority of people have experienced, but did you know that if you prepare three options when a turning point comes, things will turn out for the better?
​​A famous story that I often hear is "fight or flight". ​​

In other words, do you face the turning point boldly or run away in fear? Whether you fight or run away, it depends on your mindset. You can fight while being afraid, or run away to win. If you look at the strategy alone, there are many options, but today I will talk a little briefly, so I will broadly divide the options, that is, as I mentioned earlier, there are three. ​
The first is fight. The second is flight. And the third option is ``accept''. ​
If you want to say it together in English, is it ``accept''?

``Fight or flight or accept''

It doesn't sound good or rhyme, and it's a bit long, but is this correct in English?

If someone is good at English, please tell me.
But the important thing is what's inside. Let's get back to it and explain.

If you translate "fight or flight or accept" into Japanese, it's like "fight, flight, or acceptance."

In other words, you have the option to accept from the beginning.

You try to understand the other person.

Of course, it would be incredibly wonderful if both of you could do that, wouldn't it?

Compared to going into combat mode or flight mode from the beginning, don't you think it's an incredibly peaceful solution?

Well, I strongly recommend the option of accepting, but which one will you choose?

When you fight, it's inevitable that there will be winners and losers, and when there are winners and losers, it's easy for hierarchical relationships to arise, and when hierarchical relationships arise, it's easy for hatred, resentment, and betrayal to arise.

As for running away, some people can develop a habit of running away, so it's okay to choose to run away intentionally, but if you run away from everything, you might miss a big opportunity. Living your whole life in secret seems a bit unhappy.
So I don't recommend it either.
So then, the last thing that's left is "acceptance".
This is like coexistence, so to speak.
Know each other's strengths and weaknesses and make use of them.
Other people's weaknesses become your strengths.
That's our human nature, and it's because we've been able to exercise it that we've been able to survive on Earth until now.
So, if we can accept each other's strengths and weaknesses, cooperate with each other, and coexist, everyone will be happier, and a win-win world will be born...and with that in mind, I'm continuing to share information with you all on my blog today.
You might say that this is just a nice thing to say, but if everyone wants it and everyone puts it into practice, then there's nothing that can't be done, right?
And so, I'd like to end today by giving you a little introduction to the world that I want.
So, what did you think?
Today's story. Every day I blog about ways to live an easier life, the kind of world I wish we could live, and all sorts of other things, breaking them down into easy-to-understand pieces using psychology, neuroscience, personality analysis, and more.
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Finally, if you enjoyed today's story, please share it with your friends.
See you again✌️
