
First time I saw you

The first time I met Niko and Speedy, I didn't look at them.
Actually, I couldn't see anything.
I couldn't accept anything at that time.
I sat on the chair for calming down outside,
I moved my chair a little,
then Speedy Gonzales barked. (I didn't know his name yet at that time.)
I didn't notice Speedy lay down by my side.
I said "Oh, I'm sorry...." again and again.
I didn't wanna touch anything,
'cause I felt everything dirty at that time.
but I stroked him for sorry.
Speedy forgave me soon:)
Prince Andrew ordered Fried egg and eat with his bread as he told me so.
He only eats the yolk, the white one is for Speedy.
The way he moves is very beautiful like a prince.
I had to search the place we stay.
I just wanted to settle down and lay down as soon as possible.

I'm already happy you feel good in my diary, but you want me to be happy more? If your answer is Yes, don't hesitate to support me!