
Sexual medicine

Today, a lot of people came to talk to us.
Philippe asked "Is there anyone who knows about garlic as sexual medicine?
I heard that It is taken in somewhere forest. "
Kei-sun said, "I know. you can't take it 'cause take any things from the forest is illegal."
Kei-sun taught us a lot about the garlic that for using as sexual medicine. Kei-sun knows everything.
Boss chanted "I want to eat.. I want to eat," again and again.
Don-dake ~!
Philippe seems really interested, in the garlic, asks a lot of questions to Kei-sun.
so, I asked Philippe "You also wanna eat?" in fun.
Philippe laughed "No, I'm just interested."
I said "Really~?" in fun.
Philippe started to talk "This also as a sexual medicine...."
He talked about another kind of vegetable as sexual medicine.
fo sho Kei-sun knows also about the vegetable.
Kei-sun knows everything.
Boss chanted "I want to eat! I want to eat!" again, again and again.
I fo sho asked Philippe "You also need?"
Philippe answered, "No, I don't need it. I'm just interested in....."
Everybody laughed.

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