
Miss Kullu named the bird"Kiyoshiro"

Peter Van Pels and Yogor came to our place.
His appearance of entering the gate and walk through the green hedge was very beautiful.
at his feet, "Speedy Gonzales ".
Speedy Gonzales seems to like him.
The first time I saw Yogor, I thought he is a fairy or something.
from 2~3days ago in the morning,
The little bird had come to eat some moth here.
I very enjoyed the bird every morning.
It looked almost touch him. very close.
I named him "Kiyoshirow"
Yogor and I don't talk so much. but
One day, When we were together, Kiyoshirow came.
Yegor told me, "This bird was took feeding by Ossan."
I said "Wow wow wow! I didn't know that. Ossan is amazing!"
Kiyoshirow was eating a moth.
The first, He dropped down moth's wing by the beak.
Yogor adapted his voice at Kiyoshirow's movement.
It was very sweet.
I heard from Peter Van Pels, Yogor has made music.
I was curious about Yogor's music.
I said to Yogor "I wanna listen to your music."
Yogor promised me he would bring them next time.
and he told me, maybe he would come to stay in Dennis's room.
Wow wow wow.

I'm already happy you feel good in my diary, but you want me to be happy more? If your answer is Yes, don't hesitate to support me!