日記: 最近読んだ記事

Japanese is the fastest growing language to be learned in the UK this year on the online platform Duolingo, and Korean is the fourth fastest.
Globally, Japanese overtook Italian to become the fifth most popular language in 2021.





She eventually understood the impulse in the words of the French philosopher, Gilles Deleuze: when we are “riddled with pointless talk, insane quantities of words and images”, the challenge is to search for “little gaps of solitude and silence in which [to] find … the rare, and even rarer thing that might be worth saying”.
If that was hard in 1985, when Deleuze was writing, it is next to impossible now. Technology, coupled with economic insecurity, has dissolved boundaries between work, rest and leisure. “What we are left with,” Odell writes, with no small sadness, “[are] 24 potentially monetizeable hours … that we can no longer justify spending on ‘nothing’. It ...is simply too expensive.”


“Mentally, I wasn't in a good space," he tells XXL. "So, once I did that self work, everything else just kind of came naturally. It's a never-ending thing, but I'm at a really good place.”
“Everything I say in that song happened and formed the man I am today,” Cozz explains. “I just thought about my childhood traumas and spoke about it… I shed a little tear after making it. That's why it's called 'Cry.' In the hook, you'll hear it, it's about how they tell men not to cry and as an adult, I've been learning how to do so and release that. So yeah, very important joint right there I'd say.”

LAのサウスセントラル出身ながらDreamville Records入りしたCozzのインタビュー記事。2018年の『Effected』以来ソロプロジェクトからは距離を置いていたという彼が新作EPと内面の成長について語っています。もうちょい深掘りしたものが読みたい。Dreamvilleの一番おいしいところはBasとCozzです。
