Rebecca Teo

Rebecca is a health specialist in Singapore…

Rebecca Teo

Rebecca is a health specialist in Singapore. With a keen interest in the latest research and developments in the healthcare field.



What Is Recovery Like After Kidney Stone Surgery?

Is your kidney stone removal surgery scheduled to approach soon, and are you wondering what the recovery process will be like? This video episode provides tips on how you can recover quickly from kidney stone removal. It is also important to discuss all your worries and doubts with your doctor so that he or she can guide you and help you feel at ease before and after surgery. You can also read more about kidney stone removal in Singapore here: If you have other urinary problems, you can visit a urologist for proper diagnosis and treatment:

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      How to Manage Expectations After Your Weight Loss Surgery

      Are you planning to undergo weight loss surgery, or perhaps you are just waiting for the day of surgery? While waiting for your surgery, prepare yourself by reading articles about bariatric surgery, such as post-surgery care and tips. You can start by reading helpful facts about weight loss surgery in Singapore: You can also explore different types of bariatric surgery, such as Laparoscopic Roux En Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Surgery:

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        How Can Rectal Cancer Patients Manage Insomnia and Fatigue

        Cancer treatment for rectal cancer patients can result in unwanted side effects, including insomnia and fatigue. However, with the proper management, these side effects can be reduced. In this video episode, you will find helpful tips on how to overcome insomnia and fatigue during your cancer treatment journey. To alleviate your worries, it is important to familiarize yourself with your condition, including its symptoms and treatment options such as rectal cancer surgery. Find informative articles to help you in your fight against cancer.

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          What Can You Do Against Extreme Obesity?

          Obesity is a growing health problem in Singapore. While it might not seem serious to others, this health issue is the root cause of some fatal and serious diseases such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and other cardiovascular diseases. If you are suffering from obesity, this is your sign to start doing something to help you manage this health problem and lose some weight. You can enroll in various weight loss programs, become active, and eat a healthy balanced diet. If these traditional weight loss methods do not work for you, there are surgical options like sleeve gastrectomy to manage obesity and prevent its health complications. If you're interested, visit a clinic in Singapore that offers sleeve gastrectomy: You can also explore other surgical options like Laparoscopic Roux En Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Surgery:

        What Is Recovery Like After Kidney Stone Surgery?


          How Do You Manage the Side Effects of Liver Cancer Treatments?

          If you are diagnosed with liver cancer, it might be painful and shocking to you and your family, but you have to move on, stay strong, and remain positive about the outcome of your treatment journey. Liver treatment options may vary depending on your cancer stage and current health condition. Cancer patients react differently to any cancer treatments, so it is important to work closely with your liver cancer specialist or healthcare team and let them know everything you think can help them manage your symptoms and the effects of cancer treatment you are undergoing so they can provide you with the best treatment and healthcare. Learn more about liver cancer treatment on this page: You may also want to check these helpful topics about various cancers and other health-related topics:

          How Do You Manage the Side Effects of Liver Cancer Treatments?


          How Does Colon Cancer Screening Work?

          Are you experiencing digestive problems such as abdominal pain, bloating, and blood in your stool for an extended period of time? You might need immediate medical attention to check the culprit for these symptoms. If you are at risk of colorectal cancer and you are showing symptoms of it lately, don't hesitate to visit a specialist for colorectal cancer screening. Visit this page to learn more about colorectal cancer screening and colon cancer treatment in Singapore: If you are suffering from acid reflux alone, visit this page to learn more about your condition:

          How Does Colon Cancer Screening Work?


          How to Relieve Kidney Pain at Home

          Are you experiencing lower back pain? It could be indicative of kidney pain. Dehydration is a common cause of kidney pain, so the discomfort might be temporary until you hydrate adequately. If your kidney pain persists or if you've been enduring it for an extended period, it could be a sign that you have a kidney-related condition, such as kidney stones. I urge you to consult with a specialist as soon as possible for a thorough diagnosis and, if necessary, removal of kidney stones. Taking prompt action is crucial for your well-being and peace of mind. Read more about kidney stones removal options in Singapore:

          How to Relieve Kidney Pain at Home


          Signs You May Need Sleeve Gastrectomy

          Are you or your loved ones suffering from obesity? This medical condition might sound like a simple health issue that can be easily corrected by just exercising and dieting, but managing and correcting this health problem is challenging. Obesity should not be taken as a simple health problem; it should be managed as soon as possible before it leads to serious and fatal conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. If you believe sleeve gastrectomy is the right choice for you, don't hesitate to speak with a specialist in Singapore. They can guide you on your sleeve gastrectomy journey, providing the support you need.

          Signs You May Need Sleeve Gastrectomy


          Investigating Possible Reasons for Liver Pain

          Are you experiencing a sharp, dull, or throbbing pain in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen? That's where your liver is located. If you have been experiencing these symptoms for an extended period, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. If you have a family history of liver cancer or are at risk for this disease, don't hesitate to visit a liver cancer specialist for screening. Early detection is crucial, and starting liver cancer treatment as soon as possible, if you are positive for liver cancer, can make a significant difference in your prognosis and overall health. Click here for more information about liver cancer treatment in Singapore: You may also want to read this related article:

          Investigating Possible Reasons for Liver Pain


          Selecting the Right Surgeon for Your Procedure: A Comprehensive Guide

          Have you been diagnosed with a condition that requires surgery? Whether you're seeking a second opinion or searching for a reputable surgical clinic with a trusted and experienced surgeon, fear not – we've got your back! This video aims to assist you in finding the best surgeon for your specific needs. When looking for a surgical clinic or surgeon, it's crucial to consider those with positive reviews and several years of experience. This ensures they have the expertise needed to handle various surgeries. Feel free to reach out to or visit Nexus Surgical, a renowned surgical clinic in Singapore. They can assist you in connecting with certified and experienced surgeons, along with a dedicated medical team, tailored to your requirements. 👉🏻

          Selecting the Right Surgeon for Your Procedure: A Comprehensive Guide


          Understanding Your Colon Cancer Treatment Options

          A cancer diagnosis might be one of the most painful diagnoses you can encounter throughout your life. But no worries, if you are with the right service provider, they will help you until you fully recover from the disease. To understand your treatment, this video tackles the most common colon cancer treatment options in Singapore. Read more:

          Understanding Your Colon Cancer Treatment Options


          Expert Tips to Help You Lose Weight

          Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle, even when you're putting in the effort. Cutting carbs or exercising diligently might not yield results if the approach doesn't fit your unique needs or body type. While this video offers valuable tips, if you've exhausted personalized plans and seen no progress, consider exploring options like sleeve gastrectomy in Singapore - a surgical procedure designed to help individuals with significant obesity achieve lasting weight loss. Read more:

          Expert Tips to Help You Lose Weight


          5 Reasons Bariatric Surgery Can Give Your Weight Loss a Boost

          Feeling frustrated and discouraged in your weight loss journey? Battling concerning health issues due to obesity can be overwhelming, but you're not alone. If traditional weight loss programs haven't yielded the results you've been hoping for, weight loss surgery might be an option worth exploring. This procedure can empower individuals struggling with obesity to achieve and maintain a healthier weight, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life. If you're unsure about what bariatric surgery entails or how it works, this article delves into the specifics and explains how it can aid in weight loss: Don't let feeling alone and hopeless stop you from taking control of your health. If nothing else seems to work, consider consulting a weight loss surgeon in Singapore. They can guide you through your options and help you determine if weight loss surgery is the right path for you. Remember, taking care of yourself is always worth it:

          5 Reasons Bariatric Surgery Can Give Your Weight Loss a Boost


          6 Life-Changing Tips for Liver Cancer Prevention

          Liver cancer is a serious disease and can be life-threatening if not detected in its early stages. To prevent this potentially fatal condition, the best course of action is to avoid its risk factors. Take a moment to peruse these life-saving articles on liver cancer prevention tips: If you are at a high risk of developing the disease, it is advisable to consult with a liver cancer specialist regularly for testing. In the event of a diagnosis, there's no need to worry; with the advancements in liver cancer treatments available nowadays, you will be in good hands as long as you collaborate closely with your liver cancer specialist. For more detailed information on liver cancer treatment, visit this informative page: Take charge of your health and well-being by staying informed and proactive in the prevention and management of liver cancer.

          6 Life-Changing Tips for Liver Cancer Prevention


          Possible Causes Behind Bladder Pain According to Experts

          If you're experiencing bladder pain, don't worry; it's quite common, and we may all experience it at least once in our lives. However, if your pain persists or worsens, it's essential to consult a urologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Read the full article to discover possible reasons for bladder pain: If you resonate with the symptoms discussed in this video, don't hesitate to visit a urologist in Singapore.

          Possible Causes Behind Bladder Pain According to Experts


          Recognizing the Key Symptoms of Urologic Cancer

          Having a family history of urological cancer is a cause for concern. Knowing the risk factors and taking steps to avoid them can help you significantly reduce your chances of developing the disease. This video shares the symptoms of common urological cancers, including bladder, kidney, prostate, testicular, and penile cancer. If you experience any of these symptoms, don't hesitate to see a urologist in Singapore for a proper diagnosis and timely treatment. Early detection is crucial for successful outcomes.

          Recognizing the Key Symptoms of Urologic Cancer
