























「この島に住んでいた男の子が出てくるの。ペナン島とは書かなかったけど。このすぐ近くに、インターナショナルスクールあるでしょ? あそこに彼は通っていたの。彼の名前はジミー」


















English translation is done by AI.

WCC is also consistent in their approach to their clients (those who have been sexually abused and request support from WCC). For example, they have produced a booklet to alleviate anxiety during court proceedings.

The booklet describes what language is used and what happens in court. The idea is to help clients who have just been through a horrific experience and you can see that they provide both emotional support and realistic support.


The Japanese participants asked some excellent questions, which further deepened understanding.

For example, Ms. M, just before entering college.

"At my high school, there was very little talk about sex education. My friends and teachers tended to avoid it."

Yong Yee nodded deeply, "It is the same in Malaysia."

Questions about how to help women in poverty and why they specialize in sexual violence also deepened the discussion.

One asked, "Is it because of the religion in Malaysia that you don't have any sexually explicit ads?"

She replied, "I think it's Malaysian culture."

This is what coming to a foreign country is really about, I thought. To create multiple perspectives through differences.

Hiro, who provides educational activities in Japan, had a number of questions. He said that many NPOs in Japan that support women and minority groups are underfunded, and those who work for them tend to be in a difficult situation financially. 

He asked, "Are the staff here in a stable position to work?"

Yong Yee answerd.  "We are not like the corporate system, where salaries keep going up and up and up. But we are supported by grants from the state government as well as various companies and individuals, so our 14 staff members have stable incomes"

It was clear from the questions that each participant took this opportunity seriously as an important one.

I relaxed a little.

As everyone was busily cleaning up, Yong Yee turned to me and said, "Amy, what is your background?

"I've always been interested in gender issues, so I studied gender studies in graduate school."

I said something I usually don't say. It had been a long time ago, and I didn't usually have the opportunity to say such things, so before I knew it, I was saying them less and less.

"Oh, I see,"
Yong Yee nodded. She must have noticed how enthusiastic I was.

"I'm an author now, and I've published two novels. The first one is about a high school girl who dates older men and gets paid for it. That's exploitation, you know."

"Oh," she nodded.

"There are other themes in there, too," I said,

"There's a boy who used to live on this island. I didn't specify it as being Penang Island though. There is an international school near here, right? That's where he went to school. His name is Jimmy."

I continued.

"Seeing Jimmy changed Mai, the girl."

Yong Yee nodded.

It felt strange. I wondered how it was that I, who had studied Gender Studies, had come to live on the island of Penang.

Jimmy, the most important character of my book supposedly lived here on this island.

And here I am, talking about Jimmy.

"Is  your book written in English?"
Yong Yee suddenly asked me. 

"No. I wrote it in Japanese."

"If it had been in English, I would have wanted to read it." she told me.

I nodded.

It occurred to me. I feel that "Jimmy" could have been written in English.

A novel might be like a catch-all with real events over time for me. Then, I might return it in English to the island of Penang.

Like throwing a ball into the blue sky.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

I am grateful to the WCC for this wonderful opportunity, to everyone involved, and to everyone who participated.

WCC website
