
香港についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a vibrant city known for its impressive skyline and deep natural harbor. It's a place where East meets West, reflected in its cuisine, culture, and architecture. For many, the city is a hub of opportunities, offering a dynamic business environment and a variety of entertainment options. Its efficient public transport system makes navigating the city convenient for residents and tourists alike.

However, living in such a bustling city comes with its challenges. The cost of living in Hong Kong is among the highest in the world, making it difficult for some people to afford housing. The city also faces issues related to air pollution and limited living space, which can affect the quality of life. Despite these challenges, many people are drawn to Hong Kong for its unique blend of cultures and the opportunities it presents.

In recent years, Hong Kong has been at the center of political debates and protests. These events have brought attention to the city's governance and its relationship with mainland China. While some see this as a period of significant change, others are concerned about the implications for freedom and autonomy in the city. Nonetheless, Hong Kong remains a key financial and cultural hub in Asia.

Hong Kong offers a mix of challenges and opportunities. Its status as a world city is undisputed, but it is not without its issues. As the city continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how it will balance growth with maintaining the quality of life for its residents.


  1. What is Hong Kong known for?
    A) Its ancient temples
    B) Its impressive skyline and deep natural harbor
    C) Its large rural areas
    D) Its traditional Chinese medicine

  2. What challenges does Hong Kong face?
    A) A shortage of entertainment options
    B) Limited public transport
    C) High cost of living and air pollution
    D) Lack of business opportunities

  3. How has Hong Kong been in the news in recent years?
    A) For political debates and protests
    B) For its technological innovations
    C) For becoming the world's largest city
    D) For its efforts in wildlife conservation


  1. 回答: B) Its impressive skyline and deep natural harbor
    解説: 香港はその印象的なスカイラインと深い天然の港で知られています。これは文中で、「It's a place where East meets West, reflected in its cuisine, culture, and architecture.」と述べられており、東西の文化が融合した都市であることが香港の特徴の一つです。

  2. 回答: C) High cost of living and air pollution
    解説: 香港が直面している課題には、世界でも最高レベルの生活費と空気汚染が含まれます。「The cost of living in Hong Kong is among the highest in the world」及び「The city also faces issues related to air pollution」という文から、これらの問題が香港の住民の生活の質に影響を与えていることが分かります。

  3. 回答: A) For political debates and protests
    解説: 近年、香港は政治的な議論と抗議の中心地となっています。「In recent years, Hong Kong has been at the center of political debates and protests.」という文が、この事実を示しています。これは香港の自治と自由に関する懸念につながっています。






