




okude: what is research topic in academic writing?

A research topic in academic writing refers to the subject matter or area of study that a researcher investigates and reports on in a written document. The topic of a research paper can vary greatly depending on the field of study, the research question, and the research methodology used.



Some common characteristics of a good research topic include:

  1. It is specific and focused: The research topic should be narrow enough to allow for a detailed analysis of the subject matter.

  2. It is relevant: The research topic should address a problem or issue that is currently of interest to the academic community.

  3. It is novel: The research topic should add something new to the existing body of knowledge in the field.

  4. It is feasible: The research topic should be practical and possible to carry out within the available resources and time frame.

具体的で焦点が定まっていること: 研究テーマは、主題の詳細な分析を可能にするために十分に狭くなければなりません。

relevance は結構難しい概念だ。
In the context of research, relevance refers to the importance or significance of a research topic in relation to the current knowledge and issues in a particular field of study. A relevant research topic is one that addresses a research question or problem that is meaningful and important to the academic community or society as a whole.



A relevant research topic should contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field and have the potential to make a significant impact on the field. It should also be current and address issues that are currently of interest to researchers, practitioners, or policymakers. In order to determine whether a research topic is relevant, it is important to conduct a literature review to identify what has already been done on the topic and to understand the current state of knowledge and any gaps in the research.


ああこの研究はいいね、こんなことを研究するんだ、みたいな気持ちを人のあたえること、つまり世の中や文化と研究者が関係性を築けること、これがrelevancyであり、そのようなテーマをrelevant topicという。

新規性があること: その分野の既存の知識体系に何か新しいものを加えるものであること。

実現可能であること: 利用可能なリソースと時間枠の中で実行可能な実用的な研究テーマであること。



okude: list research topics on the area of AI, robotics, design thinking and service-dominant logic.


  1. The impact of AI and robotics on customer experiences in the hospitality industry >>これは僕の興味ではない。

  2. Design thinking and autonomous robotics in the retail sector: a case study  これはいま検討が始まったど真ん中の課題。

  3. Service-dominant logic and personalized customer experiences in the era of AI and robotics>> ここもいまagbeeの概念設計上の課題

  4. AI and design thinking for optimizing service delivery in the healthcare industry>>これは関係ない。

  5. The role of service-dominant logic in the integration of AI and robotics in service industries >>これは今検討が始まった課題。

  6. The impact of autonomous mobile robotics on supply chain management: a service-dominant logic perspective >>これもいま検討が始まった課題

  7. Design thinking and autonomous robotics for enhancing the customer experience in e-commerce >>これは関係ない。

  8. Service-dominant logic and AI-enabled service design for improving customer satisfaction in financial services >>これも関係ない。

  9. AI and design thinking for enhancing accessibility in public transportation services >>これは検討中の課題。

  10. Service-dominant logic and autonomous mobile robotics in the manufacturing industry: a case study >>これも検討中の課題。

なかなか便利だな。こうやってトピックを選んでくれると。もうひとつdegital twinという領域もやっているので、加えてみる。

list research topics on the area of AI, robotics, design thinking, digital twin and service-dominant logic.


  1. The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development >>これは今検討中の課題

  2. AI and robotics in the context of service-dominant logic: exploring the co-creation of value in service delivery >>これも検討中の課題

  3. Exploring the use of AI and digital twin technology in the optimization of autonomous robotics systems >>これも検討中の課題

  4. Design thinking for the development of intelligent personal assistant robots >>これも検討中の課題

  5. The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the user experience of autonomous robotics systems >>これも検討中の課題

  6. Developing a framework for integrating service-dominant logic into the design and development of AI and robotics systems >>これも検討中の課題

  7. Investigating the impact of AI and robotics on job displacement and the need for new skill sets >>これは関係ない

  8. The use of design thinking and service-dominant logic in developing personalized autonomous robotics solutions for the elderly and disabled >>これも関係ない

  9. Examining the ethical implications of AI and robotics in service delivery and the role of design thinking in addressing these issues >> これも当面関係ない。

  10. The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the safety and reliability of autonomous robotics systems >>これは関係する

  11. The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development >>これも関係する

  12. The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development >>これも関係する

  13. AI and robotics in the context of service-dominant logic: exploring the co-creation of value in service delivery >>これも関係する

  14. Exploring the use of AI and digital twin technology in the optimization of autonomous robotics systems >>これも関係する

  15. Design thinking for the development of intelligent personal assistant robots >>これも関係する

  16. The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the user experience of autonomous robotics systems >>これも関係する

  17. Developing a framework for integrating service-dominant logic into the design and development of AI and robotics systems >>これも関係する

  18. Investigating the impact of AI and robotics on job displacement and the need for new skill sets >>これは関係しない。

  19. The use of design thinking and service-dominant logic in developing personalized autonomous robotics solutions for the elderly and disabled >>これは関係しない。

  20. Examining the ethical implications of AI and robotics in service delivery and the role of design thinking in addressing these issues >>これも関係しない。

  21. The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the safety and reliability of autonomous robotics systems >>これは関係する。

  22. The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development >>これも関係する。



Service-dominant logic and personalized customer experiences in the era of AI and robotics

AI and robotics in the context of service-dominant logic: exploring the co-creation of value in service delivery 

Developing a framework for integrating service-dominant logic into the design and development of AI and robotics systems 

AI and robotics in the context of service-dominant logic: exploring the co-creation of value in service delivery

Developing a framework for integrating service-dominant logic into the design and development of AI and robotics systems 
Service-dominant logic and personalized customer experiences in the era of AI and robotics

AI and robotics in the context of service-dominant logic: exploring the co-creation of value in service delivery >>(設計)

Developing a framework for integrating service-dominant logic into the design and development of AI and robotics systems 

AI and robotics in the context of service-dominant logic: exploring the co-creation of value in service delivery 

Design thinking for the development of intelligent personal assistant robots 

The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development
The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development 

Design thinking for the development of intelligent personal assistant robots

Design thinking for the development of intelligent personal assistant robots 

Design thinking for the development of intelligent personal assistant robots 

Developing a framework for integrating service-dominant logic into the design and development of AI and robotics systems


The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the safety and reliability of autonomous robotics systems 

Exploring the use of AI and digital twin technology in the optimization of autonomous robotics systems 

The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the user experience of autonomous robotics systems 


The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development 

Exploring the use of AI and digital twin technology in the optimization of autonomous robotics systems 

The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the user experience of autonomous robotics systems 

The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the safety and reliability of autonomous robotics systems 

The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development

The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development 

Exploring the use of AI and digital twin technology in the optimization of autonomous robotics systems

The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the user experience of autonomous robotics systems 

The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the safety and reliability of autonomous robotics systems 

The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development 

The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development 

Exploring the use of AI and digital twin technology in the optimization of autonomous robotics systems 

The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the user experience of autonomous robotics systems 

The potential of digital twin technology in enhancing the safety and reliability of autonomous robotics systems 

The role of digital twin technology in enhancing the design thinking process for robotics development 


Design thinking and autonomous robotics in the retail sector: a case study  

The role of service-dominant logic in the integration of AI and robotics in service industries 

The impact of autonomous mobile robotics on supply chain management: a service-dominant logic perspective 

AI and design thinking for enhancing accessibility in public transportation services 

Service-dominant logic and autonomous mobile robotics in the manufacturing industry: a case study 


okude: will you explain topic and topos and relationship between them?

ChatGPT: Topic and topos are related concepts that are commonly used in the fields of rhetoric, philosophy, and literary criticism.

A topic (also known as a theme or subject) refers to the central idea or concept that is being discussed or explored in a particular piece of writing or discourse. It can be thought of as the subject matter or focus of a particular text or conversation. Topics can be broad or narrow, and they can vary depending on the context and purpose of the communication.

A topos, on the other hand, is a rhetorical or literary device that refers to a common or recurring theme or idea that is used in a particular discourse. It is a kind of "topical formula" that can be used to structure or organize an argument or to make a particular point. Topoi are often used in classical rhetoric, where they were seen as a way to organize and structure persuasive arguments.

The relationship between topic and topos is that a topos can be used to explore or develop a particular topic in a piece of writing or discourse. A topos can be thought of as a kind of template or framework that can be used to develop a particular topic in a particular way. For example, if the topic of a piece of writing is the importance of education, a topos that could be used to develop this topic is the idea that education is a key to social mobility and economic success. The topos provides a way to explore and develop the topic in a specific way, while the topic provides the overall focus and subject matter of the discourse.







Okude: will you explain relationship between Aristotole and topic and topos?

アリストテレスの著作では、トピックとトポイは密接に関連した概念である。アリストテレスはトピックを議論を生成するための手段、トポイはそれらの議論を整理し構造化するための手段であると考えた。彼は、すべての議論は、彼が "commonplaces "あるいは "endoxa "と呼ぶ共通のトピックの集合によって生成されると考えていた。これらのトピックは、特定のコミュニティや文化で一般的に受け入れられている一般的な議論であり、幅広い具体的な議論をサポートするために使用することができるものだった。











okude : 文献レビューはどのように行うべきですか?

ChatGPT: 文献レビューは、特定のトピックに関する既存の研究および知識の包括的な概要を提供するため、学術研究の重要な側面です。以下は、文献調査を行う際の一般的な手順です。


関連するデータベースを特定する。Google Scholar、PubMed、JSTOR、その他の分野別データベースなど、あなたのトピックに関連するデータベースを特定します。研究課題に関連するキーワードを使用することで、関連する情報源を見つけやすくなります。








