連載・第15回分 付録

aber eine besondere Wärme wollte sich nicht mehr ergeben. (...が、特別な気持の温かさというものはもう起こらなかった。〔原田訳〕)の英訳の一覧
but the act was accompanied by no remarkable effusiveness. (A. L. Lloyd 訳)
but no real warmth was any longer possible. (Eugene Jolas 訳)
but there was no special uprush(本によっては outpouring) of warm feeling. (Willa & Edwin Muir 訳)
but no special feeling of warmth went with it any more. (Stanley Corngold 訳)
but there was no special uprush of warm feeling. (Vladimir Nabokov 訳)
but no special warmth seemed to be engendered any more. (J. A. Underwood 訳)
but it no longer gave rise to any special warmth of feeling. (Malcolm Pasley 訳)
but no great warmth came of it. (Joachim Neugroschel 訳)
but it never gave rise to any special warmth anymore. (Karen Reppin 訳)
but it no longer brought any particular warmth. (Donna Freed 訳)
but no particularly warm feelings were generated any longer. (Stanley Appelbaum 訳)
but the special warmth was no longer present. (Ian Johnston 訳)
although there was no longer much warm affection given in return. (David Wyllie 訳)
but no special feelings of warmth were engendered any more. (Richard Stokes 訳)
but it no longer resulted in that special warmth. (M. A. Roberts 訳)
but there was no longer any particular warmth about it. (Michael Hofmann 訳)
but the arrangement no longer gave rise to any special warmth. (Will Aaltonen 訳)
but there was no longer any particular warmth about it. (Joyce Crick 訳)
but that special warmth was never again experienced. (Charles Daudert 訳)
but that special warmth was missing. (John R. Williams 訳)
though after a time without such special warmth. (C. Wade Naney 訳)
but the exchange no longer felt particularly warm. (Susan Bernofsky 訳)
although a certain warm feeling that it had created in both parties no longer existed. (Christopher Moncrieff 訳)
but no particular warmth emerged anymore. (Katja Pelzer 訳)
yet the cordiality never came back. (Mary Fox 訳)
but it did not result in any particular warmth anymore. (Philipp Strazny 訳)
Nur die Schwester war Gregor doch noch nahe geblieben, の邦訳の一覧

hielt ihn aber sofort wieder fest, ... (すぐにまたきちんと立てるのだった。〔原田訳〕;急いでしっかり頭を支え直すこともあった。〔真鍋訳〕)の英訳の一覧
but he would draw it(=his head ; 以下の諸訳も同じです) back immediately, ... (Lloyd 訳)
But he would then withdraw it immediately, ... (Jolas 訳)
but he always had to pull himself together again at once, ... (本によっては had to pull → pulled) (Muir 訳)
but [he] immediately pulled it back again, ... (Corngold 訳)
but he lifted it again immediately ... (Underwood 訳)
but then he held it up again at once, ... (Pasley 訳)
but he promptly pulled it erect again; ... (Neugroschel 訳)
but he held it up again immediately, ... (Reppin 訳)
but he promptly recovered ... (Freed 訳)
but [he] immediately held it firm again, ... (Appelbaum 訳)
but he immediately pulled himself together, ... (Johnston 訳)
and he would pull it up again with a start, ... (Wyllie 訳)
but he immediately held it up again, ... (Stokes 訳)
but [he] immediately pulled it back up, ... (Roberts 訳)
before holding it upright again, ... (Hofmann 訳)
but he would snatch it back at once, ... (Aaltonen 訳)
but then he would promptly hold it firm again, ... (Crick 訳)
but [he would] quickly pull himself together, ... (Daudert 訳)
but then [he] immediately held it still, ... (Williams 訳)
and he would quickly come to his senses ... (Naney 訳)
but then he would immediately hold his head still again, ... (Bernofsky 訳)
But he would immediately pull himself together, ... (Moncrieff 訳)
but [he] immediately held it firmly again ... (Pelzer 訳)
but he would straighten up again ... (Fox 訳)
So, he pulled it upright again immediately. (Strazny 訳)
aber jetzt war es zweifellos besser so, wie es der Vater eingerichtet hatte. (...が、今では父親の計〔はか〕らいは疑いもなくいっそうよかったわけだ。〔原田訳〕)の英訳の一覧
but under the circumstances it was much better that his father had acted as he had. (Lloyd 訳)
But now, undoubtedly, it was better the way his father had arranged it. (Jolas 訳)
but doubtless it was better the way his father had arranged it. (Muir 訳)
but now things were undoubtedly better the way his father had arranged them. (Corngold 訳)
but doubtless it was better the way his father had arranged it. (Nabokov 訳)
but as things were his father’s arrangement was undoubtedly the better one. (Underwood 訳)
but as things were it was no doubt better the way his father had arranged it. (Pasley 訳)
but now, the way the father had arranged things was better, no doubt. (Neugroschel 訳)
but now things were undoubtedly better the way his father had arranged them. (Reppin 訳)
but doubtless things were better this way, the way his father had arranged them. (Freed 訳)
but now it was without a doubt better the way his father had arranged it. (Appelbaum 訳)
but now things were doubtless better the way his father had arranged them. (Johnston 訳)
but now it was certainly better the way his father had done things. (Wyllie 訳)
but as things stood, the way his father had arranged it was undoubtedly better. (Stokes 訳)
but things were undoubtedly better the way his father had set them up. (Roberts 訳)
but now it seemed to him better done the way his father had done it. (Hofmann 訳)
but under the circumstances it was much better that his father had acted as he had. (Aaltonen 訳)
but now it was undoubtedly better the way his father had arranged things. (Crick 訳)
but without a doubt things were better the way his father had arranged them. (Daudert 訳)
but now he was sure it was better the way his father had arranged things. (Williams 訳)
but now it was apparent that his father’s methods had been to their advantage. (Naney 訳)
but as things stood, his father’s arrangements were no doubt for the best. (Bernofsky 訳)
but the way that his father had arranged things was turning out to be decidedly better. (Moncrieff 訳)
but now it was undoubtedly better the way his father had arranged things. (Pelzer 訳)
but the way his father handled the money now indeed seemed better. (Fox 訳)
At this point, though, it was doubtlessly better how the father had set it up. (Strazny 訳)
... , und der ihre bisherige Lebensweise so sehr zu gönnen war, die daraus bestanden hatte, ...の邦訳と英訳の一覧
※邦訳の中で、私の解説での(2)の解釈をしているものは割合少なく、中井訳、辻訳、三原訳、多和田訳、川島訳の5つだけです。英訳では、どちらとも言えない訳もありますが、Corngold 訳、Pasley 訳、Neugroschel 訳、Reppin 訳、Hofmann 訳、Fox 訳は、明らかに(2)の解釈をしていますね。
... 、といったことからなりたっているようなような暮しぶりを大目に見てもらって今日まできたような[子供であったから、...](高橋訳)
... 、いままでのように... 、...といったような、毎日の生活のしかたを大目に見て許してやるべきだろう。(中井訳)
... 、これまで許されてきた生活といえば、...といった、何のことはない生活ではないか。(山下肇訳)
... 、これまでの生活ではひどく恵まれて育ってきたのだった。...という生活のしかただった。(原田訳)
これまでしたい放題にさせておいて、[今さら急に働けなんて。... 、] せいぜいそんなことしかしたことのない[妹なのに。](高安訳)
... 、これまでの生活といえば、いたってめぐまれた身分、...(川崎訳)
... 、これまでずいぶん甘やかされて、...という生活だった。(城山訳)
... 、これまでずっと、...という恵まれた明け暮れをつづけてきた。(立川訳)
... 、そんなふうにいままで楽しく暮してきた[あの妹が?](ナボコフ、野島訳)
これまでの生活ときたら、この若さであれば当然のことながら、... 、そんなところだった。(池内訳)
... 、これまで許されてきた生活といえば、... 、[ヴァイオリンを弾くことが何より大事なまだ十七歳の子どもが、金を稼がざるをえないというのだろうか。](山下肇・萬里訳)
... 、これまで優雅な生活をさせてもらってきた。...という暮らしだった。(丘沢訳)
... 、これまではまったく苦労なしの生活だったのに。... 、といった生活だったんだから。(浅井訳)
... 、妹に許されていた毎日の生活は、...から成り立っていた。(野村訳)
... 、これまでの生活はとても恵まれたものだった。...といった生活だった。(真鍋訳)
... 、これまで通りに... 、... 、 [そして何よりヴァイオリンを弾か]せてやりたい。(多和田訳)
... 、今まで何一つ不自由なく育ってきたのだ。その人生は...ことによって構成されていたのではなかったか?(田中訳)
できれば今までどおりの暮らし方をさせてやりたい。... そんなことで明け暮れる生活を。(川島訳)
※英訳では、die daraus bestanden hatte がどのように訳されているか(あるいは、訳出されていないか)を示すために、sich nett zu kleiden の部分の訳も [ ] に入れて示しました。
ただ、英語にも体験話法と同じく、地の文(語り手の文)と同じ人称と時制で書かれていながら、実際には登場人物の思いや気持ちを表しているという話法がありまして、英語では Represented Speech(描出話法)と呼ばれているようです。
※ begrudge (惜しむ、与えないでおく) という語を否定の形で使っている英訳が6つありますが、完了形にして過去のニュアンスで言っている2つを除く4つの訳は、助動詞の could や would が単なる過去形なのか、仮定法で現在のことを言っているのか、はたまた上記の描出話法でやはり現在のことを言っているのか明確ではありません。ですから、解説で記した2つの解釈のどちらを採っているのかも、はっきりとはわかりません。
... , who was [still but a child, seventeen years old,] so suited to the life she had led till then[, nicely dressed, ...] (Lloyd 訳)
No one could begrudge her her manner of living up till now, which consisted in [dressing neatly, ...] (Jolas 訳)
... and whose life hitherto had been so pleasant, consisting as it did in [dressing herself nicely, ...] (Muir 訳)
... and whom it would be such a pity to deprive of the life she had led until now, which had consisted of [wearing pretty clothes, ...] (Corngold 訳)
... and whose life hitherto had been so pleasant, consisting as it did in [dressing herself nicely, ...] (Nabokov 訳)
... whose life until then surely no one would have begrudged her, consisting as it had of [dressing prettily, ...] (Underwood 訳)
... and whose mode of life it would be a crime to disturb, consisting as it did of [wearing pretty clothes, ...] (Pasley 訳)
... , who [was still a child at seventeen and] should certainly keep enjoying her lifestyle, which consisted of [dressing nicely, ...] (Neugroschel 訳)
... , and whose lifestyle of which it would be a shame to deprive her, which had consisted of [wearing pretty clothes, ...] (Reppin 訳) (岡上記:whose lifestyle of which は、of whose lifestyle としなければ文法的におかしいですね)
... whose life had been so pleasant until now[―dressing nicely, ...] (Freed 訳)
... whom one could hardly begrudge the way she had always lived up to now[: dressing nicely, ...] (Appelbaum 訳)
... , whose earlier life style had been so very delightful that it had consisted of [dressing herself nicely, ...] (Johnston 訳)
... , her life up till then had been very enviable, consisting of [wearing nice clothes, ...] (Wyllie 訳)
... and whose way of life no one would have begrudged her, consisting as it did of [dressing prettily, ...] (Stokes 訳)
... , whose way of life up to this point was so enviable, consisting of [dressing herself nicely, ...] (Roberts 訳)
... , and who so deserved to be left in the manner of her life heretofore, which had consisted of [wearing pretty frocks, ...] (Hofmann 訳)
Her life so far[―she was always nicely dressed and ...―]had not prepared her for anything so taxing. (Aaltonen 訳)
... , with a way of life up till then that he had been delighted for her to enjoy[: dressing nicely, ...] (Crick 訳)
... , and who until now had lived a life of enjoyment consisting of [wearing nice clothes, ...] (Daudert 訳)
... , when [at seventeen] she [was still a child and] had so far led a life no one could begrudge her[, dressing nicely, ...] (Williams 訳)
... whose lifestyle until now had been involved in such matters as [dressing nicely, ...] (Naney 訳)
... whose lifestyle no one would begrudge her [: dressing nicely, ...] (Bernofsky 訳)
... , whose life up till now had been far from arduous[, who always had nice clothes to wear, ...] (Moncrieff 訳)
... who [was still a child at seventeen years of age and] was so happily granted a lifestyle that, up until now, had consisted of [dressing herself nicely, ...] (Pelzer 訳)
... who [was still a child and] had a full right to continue living the way she did before, which included [dressing stylishly, ...] (Fox 訳)
Who, to everyone’s pleasure, kept a way of life that consisted in [dressing nice, ...] (Strazny 訳)
