
Israel hands off Rafah! israel must stop the unilateral slaughter!!!FREE GAZA!!!! FREE PALESTINE!!!! !STOP GENOCIDE!!!!CENTRAL SECURITY PATROLS CO.LTD STOP illegal and unjustified over-security!!!!

Israel hands off Rafah! israel must stop the unilateral slaughter!!!FREE GAZA!!!! FREE PALESTINE!!!! !STOP GENOCIDE!!!!
CENTRAL SECURITY PATROLS CO.LTD STOP illegal and unjustified over-security!!!!
Biden, Kishida and Kamikawa must stop their complicity in the massacre!
Hiroshima Mayor Matsui must withdraw his invitation to Israel for the "peace" ceremony!
We participated in the 5/15 NAKUBA DAY International Solidarity Shinjuku Action with film critic Ryo Chiura, lawyer Kentaro Takai, and other friends.
On the way to the action, Central Security Patrols co.ltd conducted illegal and unjustified excessive security measures, which of course we fought off.
However, the only people who protested with us and got them to withdraw their barbaric actions were Palestinian TV stations, to our dismay.
Some participants even said the same thing as the security authorities. This is not good.
