
Tears of the Earth ~A letter to our beloved~ 5.16.2022

To our beloved who have a unique sensibility and a wonderful talent,

With a beautiful uniqueness in development and senses, you have grown to 18 years old.

Suddenly, your school and people around you started considering you as a "psychologically disabled person" in order to fit you in the society.

You seem to have accepted this and started talking to me identifying yourself as a "disabled person" recently.

In response to my question "Why do you think you are disabled?"

You thought a little while and said to me with tears in your eyes,

"Because I am different from "normal"...
Because there are things I can't do "the same" as everyone else…
I think I'm a "disabled person""

You told me painfully,

"I don’t like to be "seen with strange eyes" by people
I have been patient, but it is very stressful for me…"

And the emotions that had accumulated inside you became tears and overflowed.

We'll say it clearly

It is ok to be different from "normal"
It's in fact wonderful to be different from "normal"
Being different from "normal" is a special, very important thing
It means you are “the one and only self”

We'll say it clearly

What you think is "normal" is created by the society
Essentially "everyone is different and that is natural"
But "standard" is created by cutting out only the center uniformly
What is not "normal" is called "abnormal"
To keep people within the "normal"
It's a troublesome "conditioned mindset" that pervades this society.

We are essentially wonderful existences capable of acknowledging each other's "differences" and making use of the "differences" to bring beautiful synergy for good. 

But, the thoughts in today's society that eliminates "differences" based on what is considered "normal" are unfortunately crushing so many wonderful possibilities.

We'll say it clearly

To color yourself to be "normal" of what society demands
Is to deny that you are "the one and only self"
And to lose "the one and only self" of you.

It means you ignore the voices of your heart and body
It means you set aside the purpose of your physical life and soul being
It ’s about living what someone wants, not what you want

You weren't born for that
You are not here for that
You have your own purpose of your life

We'll say it clearly

The true "disability" is the current social system itself that puts people in a fixed grid.
The true "disability" is the current education system that supports the grid blocks.
The true "disability" is the current economic system that consumes people.

The true "disability" is the current medical system that despises life.
The true "disability" is life-threatening pollution of food and the environment today.

The true "disability" is the old conditioned mindset and stereotypes of adults that never change.
The true "disability" is the old measurements this society evaluates and judges people.
These are the “real obstacles” that have been unconsciously planted in your mind through family, school, and society.

The true "disability" is the "heart" of people who are afraid of being different from "normal."
This also exists in you now.

These are what we think the true "disabilities" and real obstacles are.

Today's society achieved rapid economic growth
By putting people into these frameworks and fixed models it has developed to this point.
These old frameworks and models no longer work in this new era
We believe they are becoming a hindrance to the transition of the new era.

We'll say it clearly

These real "obstacles" labeled "abnormal" or "not normal people" as “different” and drove them into the corners of society.

For the convenience of this society, "differences" were considered as "disabilities" or "illnesses", and they put a lid on the wonderful "abilities" and "talents" that are really necessary for this world and the new era. 

It has obscured the "truly important things" for our lives from this world.
This problem is getting more and more serious now and creating a big social problem.

We are convinced that these "talents" and "abilities" that are hidden in the corners of this society hold the "keys" that can open up the new era to which the earth needs to evolve today.

Unfortunately, the majority of people aren't aware of this yet.
Because the label stops the understanding beyond the surface.
Most people still do not fully understand the true potential of these "talents" and "abilities"
Many such "treasures" are still sleeping in the current society.

We think you are one of those who holds the "key."
"Differences" are the "hopes" for the future.

So we say it clearly

You are not the one with "disability"
You are not a "disabled person"

Just by being yourself
You are already “your own normal” with wonderful sensibility and talent.
You don't have to be the "normal" that someone wants.

This world needs you and the "difference" you have.

You are a person who lives in a "new era" beyond the conditioned minds of this world.

So be yourself and live the one and only of yourself!

No matter who thinks what
No matter who says what
Just walk your own way without worrying about it.
Don’t let others decide who you are!
For your being as naturally who you are
You will encourage others to live who they are
When all of us live truly who we are
This world will regain its true beauty.

Because we are all a part of this one living planet earth
And every one of us has important roles to play here.
Without any exception
We are all interconnected beings supported by each other.
You are our treasure✨
You are a treasure of this earth🌎❤
Thank you for being who you are☺

To our beloved

With the deep love and appreciation from our souls.

(5.16.2022 Vesak Moon)
