私の活動 My Activity.

昨日 友人の家 に行ってきました。Potlak party を開くためです。歩トラック パーティーとはお酒と料理一品を持ち寄って開くパーティーです。ちなみに私は春にんじんのオムレツを作りました。それと昨年12月にギリシャ旅行の時に買った赤ワインを持って行きました。飲み口の軽いおいしいワインでした。その時の友人の一人、主催者ですが、趣味が裁縫。これがその時に見せてもらった作品です。婦人物のコートです所沢、東京の各地で要らなくなったかつての日本の着物の生地がフリーマーケットに格安で出品されています。そこで買い集めた生地で自分でデザインして作ったものです。
Yesterday, I went to a friend's house to attend a Potluck party. A Potluck party is where people bring alcohol and one dish each to share. For my contribution, I made a spring carrot omelet. Additionally, I brought a red wine that I bought during my trip to Greece last December. It was a delicious wine with a light taste. One of the friends present, who was the host, has a hobby of sewing. Here is a piece she showed me at that time: a ladies' coat.

It is made from fabric that was once Japanese kimono fabric, no longer needed and sold cheaply at flea markets in various places in Toshima and Tokyo. She bought and gathered the fabric from these markets and designed and made it herself. All the fabric that comes out at flea markets is of high quality. This piece made from that fabric was wonderful. It took her about a month to make it.

I had met her before at the Tokorozawa Citizens' Festival. I went to see an exhibition by a citizens' group that I support. The exhibition was by a group implementing a project in collaboration with farmers to combine cultivation and solar power generation on agricultural land in Tokorozawa. At that time, she had a large amount of kimono fabric, so I asked her about it. I thought, why not try sending the fabric abroad after buying it at a flea market? We decided to try to find someone who enjoys sewing as a hobby and send it to them. Fortunately, we found someone and sent it off. It should arrive in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to it.
