
How to invest ⑧国際収支に関する余談



。In the context of Japan's international balance of payments and the challenges it faced in the 1950s and 1960s, there was a phenomenon known as the "ceiling of international balance." To explain this concept, let's draw an analogy to the metaphorical "glass ceiling" often used in the context of women's advancement in the workplace. Just as women may encounter an invisible barrier preventing further promotion within a company or bureaucratic organization, Japan faced a similar obstacle during its economic growth.
As Japan experienced economic expansion, a situation arose where sustained economic prosperity led to an increase in imports compared to exports. During good economic times, consumer spending on luxury goods and increased capital investment, including the import of raw materials, contributed to a significant trade deficit. This resulted in the outflow of foreign currency, which was detrimental to Japan, heavily reliant on processing trade.
The deficit in foreign currency had severe consequences for Japan, as it hindered the ability to import necessary raw materials for processing and prevented the introduction of new technologies from abroad. In essence, Japan found itself compelled to adopt contractionary economic policies to address the widening trade deficit, as if hitting a metaphorical "ceiling of international balance."
Foreign currency, especially in the form of U.S. dollars, held crucial importance not only for emerging nations but for countries worldwide. Given the international status of the U.S. dollar, it was essential for foreign trade. Imagining a scenario where Japan's foreign trade came to a halt underscores the gravity of the situation, with a significant portion of the population facing the risk of starvation. This is particularly true for Japan, where livestock feed, as well as fertilizers for vegetables and rice, heavily relied on imports.
Did you know that Japan's food self-sufficiency rate, measured in terms of calories, is only 38%? This is in stark contrast to Canada at 266%, Australia at 200%, France at 125%, and even Germany at 86%. This emphasizes the vulnerability of Japan's food supply and the critical importance of maintaining a positive international balance to sustain economic growth and ensure the well-being of its population.
Translation in English:
You were born in 1952, the year when Japan gained independence from the United States' occupation. During the 1950s and 1960s, Japan faced a significant economic challenge known as the "ceiling of international balance." This term can be compared to the metaphorical "glass ceiling" experienced by women in the workplace, signifying an invisible barrier preventing further advancement.
As Japan pursued economic growth, a pattern emerged where periods of economic prosperity led to increased imports compared to exports. The resulting trade deficit, caused by heightened consumer spending on luxury goods and increased capital investment, created an outflow of foreign currency. For Japan, heavily reliant on processing trade, this deficit became a critical issue.
The shortage of foreign currency had severe consequences, hindering Japan's ability to import necessary raw materials for processing and limiting the adoption of new technologies. To address the widening trade deficit, Japan was compelled to implement contractionary economic policies, akin to hitting a metaphorical "ceiling of international balance."
Foreign currency, especially in U.S. dollars, played a crucial role not only for emerging nations but for countries globally due to the dollar's international status. Imagining a scenario where Japan's foreign trade came to a halt underscores the gravity of the situation, with a significant portion of the population facing the risk of starvation. This vulnerability is heightened by Japan's heavy reliance on imported livestock feed, fertilizers for vegetables and rice, and the inability to achieve food self-sufficiency.
Did you know that Japan's food self-sufficiency rate, measured in terms of calories, is only 38%? This contrasts sharply with Canada at 266%, Australia at 200%, France at 125%, and even Germany at 86%. This highlights the importance of maintaining a positive international balance for Japan's economic growth and the well-being of its population.
