
20240505 21 Lessons for the 21st Century :Chapter2 work(continuation)

I read the rest of the book today and finished the second chapter!

(following is my previous note)

<Point and what I thought>
・Not only through infotech but also combining infotech and biotech, AI will gain significant power. Intuition, previously thought to be impossible to explain, can now be understood through the use of biotechnological signals from humans, which sensors can detect. As a result, AI will excel not only in physical tasks but also in cognitive task.
・Different from the Industrial Revolution in 19th century, even if new jobs will be created while some jobs are disappeared by AI, the gap can't be compensated because of the skills mismatch among the unemployed   
・In 2017, AlphaZero won against Stockfish, which used to be considered strongest chess program, with only four hours training. AlphaZero doesn't require human guidance, learns by itself. It has "creativity", rather than human have.
・Human should not only update their skill, but also have mental stamina to deal with the change by AI 
・New models(the way of thinking) are required in order to deal with the new current industrial world, similar to how democracies, communism, etc. appeared during the Industrial Revolution.
・Even if the government offers some reinvent support and subsidizing for each indivisual, some of person will be pushed out of the job market. In such a post-work society, the current model of economy, politics will be outdated and new model will be needed.
・It was once believed that even if humans were not in the job market, they could still be consumers at least. However, this is not the case. Nowadays, computers and algorithms can also act as consumers, such as Google search algorithms and so on.
・To prepare for such an upcoming world, we must develop a new model that protects humans rather than jobs. For example, the Universal Basic Income (UBI) or the Universal Basic Service(UBS) model has garnered attention.
・But when we consider UBI or UBS, defining the terms "Universal" and "Basic" poses a challenging problem.
