big cow---boy's a riot against growth

All this talk about growth, this growth, that growth. 
mental growth, economic growth.
You know ye aint gonna be taller than a telephone pole, have I got it right? 
1.6m? 1.8m? 2.0m? 2.2 m? 2.5m? 3.5m?10m?
seven feet sixteen inches? three yards times fifteen?
Listen y'all, above there big blue sky there is a dark cosmos.
Y'aint jumping there without a space suit and who's gonna selling ya real estates in those unexplored badlands?
on the moon, y'gonna start a farm? growing things there?
that is another dimension of things. moon-growth, yada yada.
sure, do the ol' land grab all you want if you can afford a rocket ticket.
I've seen 'em pioneering days and it aint all pretty like those high minded idiots 'em western novelists make it out to be. (I tell ya, I read)
You got a gun in a holster then you know the man's seen a trail of blood.
higher than that you wanna rise, with your seven feet height stickin' it up in a blood puddle or something?
and how many times ye little matchstick is going to unfold yourself repeatedly,
till you reach the moon by the self-same measure as yer height?
bad mathematics even mathematicians don't care. it is.
keeping your measuring ruler as is, and straight as is.
Oh, bull. otherwise, do not use your yardstick to slap your friendly neighbour's big arse.
you ain't measuring anything bigger than you with it, or else you'd resort to creeping all o'er it to take up its calibre..
Gaw', that is not "high and mighty." creeper ya. 
begging for growth.
