
散文詩 輝く戦士オリオンが光の川の側で prose poem bright warrior Orion by the shining stream

bright Orion the warrior star, holding reed by the shining stream, 

does sit and play to the lapping water its naughty tune.

spake I thus to that hero high and afar, full with friend-glee

What! Brother, with thy dreaming song, 

twenty odd decades hadst thou played, not yet one step moved away from the flowing water for thy conquest, 

why such unbreably long tarry before the war, for good nothings?

to which, Orion, puts down his flute,

sets right his darkly prismatic plumes, and explains,

brother, I have been yet playing for an hour. 

I am off to slay a dragon spawned hundred millions of years ago.

Upon the divine mountain of royal stars made home, all ruins now. and his evil joy-nest.

Night is a-coming, and I must make camp.

sorry about this, little mortal man.

this hour you see me here playing the Reed flute to the stream, 

to you is all you can dream with your body and soul, the entire span of your earthly demenses.

I, O

foolish star who is so quick to presume. 

thou art but small flare million years born, larvae to imagos forms

play good thy flute, and drown in thy dreaming sleep for tonight.

tomorrow, search for that linden snake.

but as thou wouldst have slain it, the denouement of thy life's quest.

know that I was the one who gave birth to the nefarious worm before, and after which the one who set thee on thy holy undertaking to slay it!

King Arthur, I am thy Father and thy missing Graal (Grail)! Play the Reed (Panflute) for me, little satyr brother of mine, while the flowing milky way (Hera's milk) still shines!

ニコラ・プッサン(1658) "太陽を求める盲目のオリオンのいる風景" 
Nicolas Poussin (1658) "Landscape with blind Orion seeking the sun"
