to Hamlet ハムレットへ

render him that mural Crown*1, O great Pontus.
the time of sea-farers were past, and Lo.
was neither the land of Europe forever the Sovereign
of the globe, wherefore did we tear down
the boundary of walls that mark Rome from the rest?
see that man before ye, God.
He, a Hamlet.
though he was not granted thy boon,
by the worldly and unworldly he was not loved,
dead not a matyr---a demi-deity he is not to be,
a mortal, man, hero; he died worthy
upon the soil he once roamed like a lone little wolf.
 a mound is risen; within it his missing Cor.
found, and does his body hold his own Mass.
the wistful Child of the Orcus.
Orcus-Dionysus, omnidoloris.*2
Rest in peace, Hamlet.
crownless Prince called battling-Man.
a Kingdom without a Kingdom.
*1 Mural crown - Wikipedia

*2 variably can be translated to English as "from all sorrows" or "from all hewing" due to its particular etymology.
