




  • 拙作 Original Works

  • Notes for myself

  • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作

    「再悲詩」のマニフェストーーー新しい詩の試み Manifesto of Dolorum---a new experiment of poetry |JTR777 ( 自作再悲詩のコレクション collection of my own Dolorums

  • つぶやき

  • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay


  • 固定された記事

エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain

O, The sublime drunkard that is Wormwood; no matter How many laughing Grapes they give to the black wine; I will not Give you up. My green, clouded and clear, fountain-spouting heart. ヨモギの崇高な 酔いどれよ; たとえ彼らがどれだけの 笑い葡萄(ぶどう)を 黒きワインに差し上げようとも

    • 幽遊白書

      幽遊たるやも古刹にて 竹林の小径を彷徨する 通りも渡りも降り止まらなくて 止まっている自転車の鐘の音

      • 秋の原野に残ったメモ帳

        捉える息吹きの数 解けるソリチュード 弾け結び、水滴の弦 風に集めり殻の稲穂 天佑の踊り子が吟味させ 酒のエチュード 何度でも 私たちが歩き終え 止まるも繰り返せず 切望と伴う戸惑いは その手を放って 君を放し出すよ 空に散り放し 捉え無くなった息吹きの数 集まるソリチュード  切望と伴う戸惑いは その手を放って 君を放し出すよ その秋野の殻の稲穂の程に 風と共に  もう二度と来ないとする 後戻りない未来へ このエチュード 神様のメモ帳/神的記事本OP ChouCho「

        • 酔死濛生 すいしむせい

          酔死濛生 すいしむせい

        • 固定された記事

        エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain


        • 拙作 Original Works
        • Notes for myself
        • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay
        • つぶやき
        • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作
        • アニソン再訳(reinterpretations)


          mystery of the late feast

          fearst thou not knowing only life's aftertaste? oft sung the old and wasted, "All too late, All too late. I have taken to much wandering, and arriving at my destined house too late... All that that good wine served there sateth, and all

          mystery of the late feast

          song of the green

          if thro' green fountain, clear of thought there be the medicine of age, then may I forget, all the injustice of my falsehood, "that I have ever lived, and is to ever live on parched is the water, not the salt the seas stretch on, and

          song of the green

          big cow---boy's a riot against growth

          All this talk about growth, this growth, that growth. mental growth, economic growth. You know ye aint gonna be taller than a telephone pole, have I got it right? 1.6m? 1.8m? 2.0m? 2.2 m? 2.5m? 3.5m?10m? seven feet sixteen inches? three y

          big cow---boy's a riot against growth

          ode to peacock's feather

          Why hast thou tickled me with the feather of peafowl, All-Seeing God? Even though thou knowst it is another kind of love that makes me laugh… there is no tender sentiment I have left over for the tool, that was used to sweep the crawling an

          ode to peacock's feather

          some perhaps inaccurate observations on the character of the English

          have you ever considered for how boring English poetry is in general, could it attributed to that damned rain and gale for all year round, except for a quarter of it. the sun and the vegetation looks dismal in a downpour, there is mud on th

          some perhaps inaccurate observations on the character of the English


          conscience is a gift that can be taken or left as is, such is the magnanimity of the host who presented it to me. but the impish perverseness---inside me, oh you'd laugh when you hear it like a 3 year old I'd toss it to the wall sometimes,


          tanka winter 冬

          winter 冬 甘露煮に 振る霜数(かぞ)ふ 凛乎の華 薫なき世にて 薪投ぐるまじ in a nectar stew the fallen rime's reckoning. austere Northen bloom ------in an odour-less world, none'd stoke with thrown firewood.

          tanka winter 冬

          an idyll 牧羊歌

          the dog's youngest shy bairn gets naught, from the bowl, but buffets along year's brown flutter of oat. a wimp-cat is scaredy to a court a beautiful she, never won is the heart, yet the deep blue waves carried the fishes' many a brisk seas

          an idyll 牧羊歌

          鳥の訴訟 the complaint of birds

          O dolor, O dolor, O his dolor the joy of birds, that dwells neither in his nest nor sky, but in hunter's quiver. O solace, O solace, my gladness and pain. who is singing, in birds' place? O joy, my joy During the day, the gentle knave Apol

          鳥の訴訟 the complaint of birds

          嵐の目中にいるとある星への頌歌 ode to a star in storm's eye

          ode to a star in storm's eye A woman with passion that I love to see, likened to a seaman seeing in a storm, the hanged star, If goodly thither we fare, then through passion's turmoils, together we may go, But when it is no good, may I wor

          嵐の目中にいるとある星への頌歌 ode to a star in storm's eye

          器世界 or heart's devotion-place

          器物の有る無き事を羨む事も 器の一つなるかな 明幽の水を汲んで捨てて 常なるのは水そのものだけ 器物の数は沢山たくさんくらいすれば良かろう 水が無ければ、その数も待ち時間を示しているである 幽明の水は何時でものどかである しかし花は特別だ、存じないとも 香る分、水が増える To envy the absence or presence of a vessel is one thing, is the thing one of the vessels too

          器世界 or heart's devotion-place

          to suika, my Two, and my Zero.

          どんな黄金や果実を手に入れたとしても、 一人の人間である以上、それを享受できるものは限られている、 一度に一つのことにしか喜びを見出せない。 どんなにおいしいものを皿に盛ろうとしても、 自分の口の大きさはあまり変わらないものだ。 .. 喜び、ため息、蓄積された感覚、多かれ少なかれ、少なかれ多かれ、 しかし、その瞬間は ただ一つ。 人はその一瞬にあるもの以上のものを楽しむことはできない。二つも欲しいならば、 次の瞬間が来るのを待たなければならない。 人は待たなければならない.

          to suika, my Two, and my Zero.