
【京都時間.jp】第33回 豊臣秀吉の遺産:豊国神社の歴史と魅力









"The Legacy of Toyotomi Hideyoshi: The History and Appeal of Toyokuni Shrine"

Toyokuni Shrine, nestled in the beautiful nature of Amidagamine in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, is a sacred site dedicated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a hero of Japan's Warring States period. The establishment of this shrine is built upon Hideyoshi's historical achievements, his enduring influence, and the relentless efforts of those who wish to remember him and carry on his legacy. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's life deeply engraved in the history of Japan, and his accomplishments are respected and admired by many to this day.

The land of Toyokuni Shrine was once part of the temple estate that housed Kyoto's magnificent Great Buddha in Hokoji Temple, and walking its approach is like a journey that conveys deep respect and memory of the past. Hideyoshi's influence extends from Osaka Castle Park, where his castle stood, to Nagahama City in Shiga Prefecture, which was greatly affected by his policies, and to his birthplace in Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City, showing his historical footprints spread across Japan.

After Hideyoshi's death, his body was placed inside Fushimi Castle without undergoing traditional cremation and was later buried intact at the summit of Amidagamine, east of the Great Buddha. The mausoleum built at its base was initiated as the "guardian shrine of the Great Buddha," and Hideyoshi willed himself to be enshrined as a new Hachiman. Following these wishes, the shrine was later called Shin-Hachiman, and in the fourth year of the Keicho era, it was granted the divine title of Toyokuni Daimyojin, marking the beginning of Toyokuni Shrine's history.

However, over time, the Toyotomi family's influence waned, and the divine title was stripped away, leading the shrine itself to face a period of abolition. With the dawn of the Meiji era and a reevaluation of Hideyoshi, Toyokuni Shrine was revived by imperial command of Emperor Meiji. This revival was a renewal of respect for Hideyoshi's historical achievements and legacy, and the shrine was elevated to a special government-supported shrine. Key figures such as the former lord of Fukuoka Domain and Marquis Hachisuka Mochiaki spearheaded the renovation of the shrine grounds and approach, and through events like the Toyotomi Hideyoshi 300th Anniversary Festival, Toyokuni Shrine cemented its status as a significant place of commemoration for Hideyoshi.

At the heart of Toyokuni Shrine stands the national treasure, the Karahafu gate, which was relocated from Fushimi Castle. This gate is a valuable cultural property that conveys the splendor of the Momoyama period. Its lavish structure exceeds that of a mere shrine, narrating the role Toyotomi Hideyoshi played in Japanese history and how his legacy is revered and continued in modern times. The relocation of this gate symbolizes the Japanese spirit of valuing what one has and the wisdom of preserving buildings for prolonged use.

Visiting Toyokuni Shrine is not merely a tourist activity but a spiritual journey to renew admiration for Toyotomi Hideyoshi and trace his legacy. The existence of the shrine reminds us of the importance of respecting the past and learning from history. There is no doubt that Toyokuni Shrine plays a crucial role in honoring Hideyoshi's immortal achievements and passing on his memory to future generations. Through markets and flea markets held on its premises, the shrine strengthens its community ties, becoming a beloved place that conveys the role Toyotomi Hideyoshi played in Japanese history, ensuring its value is passed on to the future.
