WGIP(War Guilt Information Program)の原型

資料③March 29, 1945.
What shall we do with Japan?


After we have destroyed Nippon's military machine and the industrial arsenals which sustain it, we must tackle the problem of de-Japanizing East Asia.
With defeat must go all the lands Japan seized in her robber campaigns, starting with the Sino-Japanese War of 1895. Stripped of her empire, Japan must recede into her original islands.
Her troops will have to evacuate China, Manchuria and Korea. She must relinquish Formosa and all the mandated islands - even the strategic Bonins.
The Japanese have forfeited any right they may have claimed to rule other people. Why should they lord it over the highly cultured Koreans, of whom there are 20 million, or the 30 million Chinese inhabitants of Manchuria?
Chinese peasants in Manchuria have shown me their prettily blooming acres where the Japanese forced them to cultivate the poisonous opium poppy instead of the nourishing soya bean.
And I have seen the soiled white national garments of the ever-clean Koreans after Japanese threw ink bottles at them to force them to buy cheap multi-colored textiles made in Japan.
Though the Japanese should have no colonies, not even primitive ones, we must let them have their due share of raw materials. They should have everything they need for life and trade.
As to "Lebensrawn" there is plenty for them own their own islands. Their northern island of Hokkaido, because it is colder than the others, has a population of only three million; it could easily accomodate 10 million.
Thickly populated though it is, Japan proper is self-sufficient so far as nourishment is concerned. Before Pearl Harbor, Dr. Tadasu Saiki, Director of the Imperial Government Institute of Nutrition in Tokyo, was most emphatic in assuring me of this fact.

敗戦により、1895 年の日清戦争に始まる強盗作戦で日本が占領したすべての土地は手放さなければなりません。帝国を剥奪された日本は、元の島々に退かなければなりません。
「レーベンスローン」に関しては、彼らが独自の島を所有できるものがたくさんあります。北の島である北海道は他の島よりも寒いため、人口はわずか 300 万人です。1,000万人を簡単に収容できます。
再教育 私たちは日本人を再教育しなければなりません。心理的軍縮は軍事的軍縮を支援しなければなりません。これは、戦後の平和構築者たちの大きな任務の一つになると思います。


We must re-educate the Japanese. Psychological disarmament must back up military disarmament. This, I think, will be one of the great tasks of our post-war peacemakers. In spite of difficulties, we must enlighten this people which has been purposely misguided aand lied to by national leaders who fabricated a new - and fanatical - Japanese religion.
Th new state religion teaches every Japanese from earliest childhood that the Mikado id a god, that his country is a country of gods and that every Japanese is a lesser member of the divine imperial family.
This means that Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Watanabe are gods, too, and that Mr. Smith in Kansas City is a barbarian who must be brought under the heavenly rule.
How can we cure people of such bunk? We shall control the raw materials of the world and we can squeeze Japan if she goes counter to our aims. It would not be difficult for us to persuade Japan to place level-headed and truth-minded men in charge of her people's re-education.
We could not but be grateful, for instance, to se as Minister of Education, a man of the integrity of their eminent scholar, Dr. Tatsukichi Minobe. For a generation, Minobe was professor of constitutional law at the Imperial University in Tokyo.
In 1935 this man had to resign all his offices and was prosecuted because, 12 years before, he had been guilty of lese majesty by writing that the emperor was merely an organ of the state.

私たちは日本人を再教育しなければなりません。 心理的軍縮は軍事的軍縮を支援しなければなりません。 これは、戦後の平和構築者たちの大きな任務の一つになると思います。 困難にもかかわらず、私たちは新しい、そして狂信的な日本の宗教をでっち上げた国家指導者たちによって意図的に誤った方向に誘導され、騙されてきたこの人々を啓発しなければなりません。
どうすればそのような寝床に陥っている人々を治すことができるのでしょうか? 私たちは世界の原材料を管理し、日本が私たちの目的に反した場合には日本を圧迫することができます。 私たちが日本を説得して、冷静で真実の考えを持った人物を国民の再教育の責任者に据えるよう説得するのは難しいことではない。
例えば、私たちは、高名な学者である美濃部達吉博士の誠実な人が文部大臣に就任したことに感謝せずにはいられませんでした。 美濃部は一世代にわたり、東京の帝国大学で憲法学の教授を務めた。
