

Russia has proved resilience to western sanctions, says Oleg Deripaska

Metals oligarch tells FT of his ‘surprise’ at performance of economy in wake of invasion of Ukraine

Russia has weathered western sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine, the oligarch Oleg Deripaska has said, admitting “surprise” at the country’s resilience after a war he thought would bankrupt the Kremlin.

Deripaska, one of Russia’s richest men, told the Financial Times that Moscow had survived the effort to isolate its economy by developing new trade ties with the global south and ramping up investment in domestic production.

The private sector, meanwhile, proved more robust than he had expected only months earlier. “I was surprised that private business would be so flexible. I was more or less sure that up to 30 per cent of the economy would collapse, but it was way less,” he said.
一方、民間部門は同氏が数カ月前に予想していたよりも堅調であることが判明した。 「民間企業がこれほど柔軟であることに驚きました。 経済の最大30パーセントが崩壊すると多かれ少なかれ確信していたが、それははるかに少なかった」と彼は語った。

“Yes, there is war spending and all this kind of subsidies and government support but still it’s a surprisingly low slowdown [ . . .] The private economy found its way to operate and to do so successfully.”
「はい、戦費やこの種の補助金や政府支援はありますが、それでも驚くほど低い減速です [ … ] 民間経済は運営方法を見つけ、成功することができました。」

Russia’s apparent resilience despite being cut off from global markets and supply chains has been a point of pride for President Vladimir Putin, who said last week that “the recovery stage for the Russian economy is finished” after “we saw off unprecedented external pressure”.

Russia was hit hard in the wake of the invasion but has since succeeded in avoiding G7 sanctions on the vast majority of its oil exports. The International Monetary Fund has forecast Russia’s gross domestic product will grow by 1.5 per cent this year and 1.3 per cent in 2024. Putin was more bullish last week, predicting 2.8 per cent growth this year, more than double the maximum his own cabinet predicted in April.
ロシアは侵略を受けて大きな打撃を受けたが、その後、石油輸出の大部分に対するG7制裁を回避することに成功した。 国際通貨基金は、ロシアの国内総生産(GDP)が今年1.5%、2024年には1.3%成長すると予想している。プーチン大統領は先週さらに強気で、今年の成長率は2.8%と予測しており、これは自身の内閣が4月に予測した最大値の2倍以上である。

The comments by Deripaska, the founder of leading aluminium producer Rusal and its parent energy company En+, indicate growing confidence among Moscow’s elite that Russia has emerged relatively unscathed despite fears sanctions would crater the economy early in the war.

“I always doubted this Wunderwaffe [wonder-weapon], as Germans used to say, of the sanctions — weaponising the financial system as a kind of tool to negotiate,” said Deripaska, whose fortune is estimated at $2.5bn by the Russian edition of Forbes.

“We made so much effort to make the world global, in terms of trade, investment, information flows [ . . .] It’s really over when you can use sanction, it’s a kind of instrument of the 19th century. We can’t see that it would be efficient in the 21st century.”
「私たちは、貿易、投資、情報の流れの面で、世界をグローバルにするために多大な努力を払ってきました[ … ] 制裁が使えるようになったら本当に終わりです。それは 19 世紀の一種の道具です。 それが21世紀において効率的であるとは思えません。」

Deripaska was one of the few oligarchs to have offered — albeit guarded — criticism of the invasion in its early months. But though he said he saw “no value” in the conflict, he has toned down his anti-war statements more recently amid growing pressure on oligarchs to pay more taxes and, in some cases, surrender their assets to the state.
デリパスカは、侵略の初期の数カ月に、警戒しながらも批判を表明した数少ないオリガルヒの一人だった。 しかし、紛争には「何の価値もない」と述べたものの、最近ではオリガルヒに対するさらなる納税や場合によっては資産の国家への返還を求める圧力が高まるなか、同氏は反戦発言をトーンダウンしている。

“I can’t see why it shouldn’t be stopped from both sides [...] I can’t see that anyone will reach its declared goal,” Deripaska said. “Will you give F-16, F-35 [fighter jets]? You know, the only goal which would be reached would be more suffering and more lives would be lost, more wounded [for] maybe 5, 10, 20, 25 kilometres left or right.”
「両側から止めるべきでない理由が私にはわからない[...] 宣言された目標を達成できる人がいるとは思えません」とデリパスカ氏は語った。「F-16やF-35(戦闘機)を提供するのか?そうすれば、達成される唯一の目標は、おそらく左右に5キロ、10キロ、20キロ、25キロの間、さらに苦しみ、より多くの命が失われ、より多くの負傷者が出るだろう。」

Ukraine has rejected calls like the one Deripaska made for “real negotiations” on the grounds that it would legitimise Russia’s territorial gains. But more fighting, the oligarch added, would mean “another 50,000 dead from both sides [and] maybe 150,000 wounded” by next year. “Do you really believe that it’s wise to have another 200,000 people . . . who would suffer another 12 months?”

The Kremlin urged Deripaska last year to temper his criticism, while prosecutors seized a hotel complex he owns in the Black Sea resort of Sochi and turned it over to a Putin-linked foundation — an early salvo in a growing wave of forced nationalisations. He declined to comment on the episode.

To explain the “resilience” of the economy, Deripaska pointed to Kremlin investment in industry and efforts to force inefficient state enterprises that dominate the economy to ramp up capacity, partly in support of the war effort.

“State capitalism created these massive conglomerates with low productivity, low utilisation rates, low wages. Today I was surprised to see that at some of their factories, wages were similar to wages [at companies] which I founded in the same region,” he added. “They have money, they will recruit, they will compete.”
「国家資本主義は、低生産性、低稼働率、低賃金の巨大複合企業体を生み出しました。今日、一部の工場の賃金が、私が同じ地域に設立した(企業の)賃金と同じであることを見て驚きました」と彼は付け加えた。 「彼らはお金を持っており、人材を採用し、競争します。」

Deripaska, who has been under personal sanctions by the US since 2018 and the EU since 2022, said his travels to Asia had convinced him countries from the global south would resist pressure to join the western sanctions, offering Russia a lifeline.

“You know, these people need to feed 1bn people every day, and you ask them to commit or suffer,” he said. “It was a grave mistake of people who thought that they could use this excellent mechanism to put pressure on autocratic regimes.”
「ご存知のとおり、この人たちは毎日10億人を養わなければならないのに、彼らに犠牲を払うか苦しむかを求めているのです」と彼は言った。 「この優れたメカニズムを利用して独裁政権に圧力をかけることができると考えた人々の重大な間違いでした。」

Trade with China has gone up 32 per cent year-on-year in the first eight months of 2023 to $155bn, while trade with India tripled in the first half of the year to $33bn, according to state newswire RIA Novosti.

Russia’s wealth in natural resources, meanwhile, makes it too attractive a trade partner for countries that depend on its energy, metals, and food exports to abandon, Deripaska said.

“Out of the next billion people who’re about to be born, 70 per cent will be in this region. Let’s face reality. They want development, they need Russian resources, Russian solutions, trade with Russia,” Deripaska said.

“Believing that the sanctions will stop [the war] or create regime change or somehow make us closer to the end of the conflict . . . No. We need to have another solution.”
「制裁が(戦争を)止めたり、政権交代を引き起こしたり、何らかの形で私たちを紛争の終結に近づけてくれると信じています. . .いいえ、別の解決策が必要です。」

