

EU demands Serbia reforms after reports of election fraud

Thousands protest in Belgrade after President Aleksandar Vučić secures parliamentary majority

The EU has told the Serbian government to tighten up its election procedures or risk jeopardising its talks to join the bloc after the ruling party won parliamentary and local ballots on Sunday amid widespread reports of vote-rigging.

International observers denounced the conduct of the elections, in which the SNS party of President Aleksandar Vučić secured an outright majority in parliament and held on to the post of Belgrade mayor.

Tens of thousands of Serbs took to the streets of the capital on Monday to protest against voter fraud and more demonstrations are planned.

Vučić’s party was accused of busing unregistered voters on a massive scale into Belgrade from Serb areas of neighbouring Bosnia and of harassing opposition supporters.

European commissioners Josep Borrell and Olivér Várhelyi demanded that “credible reports of irregularities are followed up in a transparent manner” by the Serbian authorities.

“We conclude with concern that the electoral process requires tangible improvement and further reform, as the proper functioning of Serbia’s democratic institutions is at the core of Serbia’s EU accession process.”

The SNS party said reports of voter fraud were “fake news”.

“We are very happy how the election day went,” Miloš Vučević, SNS party leader, said on pro-government TV channel Prva on Tuesday. “It can set an example for many other countries.”
SNS党党首のミロシュ・ヴチェヴィッチ氏は火曜日、親政府テレビ局プルヴァで「選挙当日の結果に非常に満足している」と語った。 「他の多くの国にとって模範となる可能性があります。」

However, election observers for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) also identified widespread irregularities and concluded that the elections at the weekend were held amid “unjust conditions”.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Pace), which also took part in election monitoring, said the volume and seriousness of the complaints discredited the entire election.

“This was a stolen victory . . . and unfair result,” Pace mission chief Stefan Schennach told the FT. “[Vučić] is supposed to be neutral but was the whole engine of this campaign . . . The pressure was well organised. One of our teams had a car following them all the time.”
「これは盗まれた勝利でした 」. . .そして不公平な結果だ」とペースミッション責任者のステファン・シェナッハ氏はFTに語った。 「[ブチッチ]は中立であるはずだが、このキャンペーンの原動力となった . . .プレッシャーはうまく組織されていた。 私たちのチームの1つは、常に彼らの後を車で追いかけていました。」

Schennach recounted a story that he said showed people were illegally registered to vote in areas where they were not resident.

“A lady came to a polling station in Belgrade, holding around 15 white slips that had been posted through her apartment door, apparently all people that lived in her flat,” he said. “All of them had been to the polling station earlier that day and voted already. It was unbelievable.”
「ある女性がベオグラードの投票所にやって来て、アパートのドアから投函された約15枚の白い伝票を手にしていた。明らかに彼女のアパートに住んでいた全員だった」と彼は語った。 「全員がその日早くに投票所に行って、すでに投票していました。 信じられないほどでした。」

Opposition supporters say the governing party brought as many as 40,000 pretend residents — many of them from Bosnia — to the Belgrade Arena, a sporting venue, from where they were dispatched to voting precincts across the capital.

Stefan Jančić, a lawyer, said he witnessed the busing-in process after passing through a security control at the arena.

“A security guard at the arena told us to show them ID and they will get us into vans and cars and they will drive us to where we have to vote,” Jančić told the FT. “There are different stands in the arena which tell you which municipalities you have to go to.”
「アリーナの警備員は私たちに身分証明書を提示するように言いました。そうすれば彼らは私たちをバンや車に乗せ、投票しなければならない場所まで車で連れて行ってくれるでしょう」とヤンチッチ氏はFTに語った。 「アリーナにはさまざまなスタンドがあり、どの自治体に行かなければならないかが示されています。」

“On the way in we met a family from Rogatica, [Bosnia] who had never visited Belgrade in their life . . . They received a Belgrade ID last month and didn’t know where to go.”
「途中、人生で一度もベオグラードを訪れたことのない、[ボスニア]ロガティツァ出身の家族に会いました. . .彼らは先月ベオグラードのIDを受け取りましたが、どこに行けばよいのか分かりませんでした。」

Opposition supporters said the votes brought in would have been enough to secure victory for the incumbent Belgrade mayor, Aleksander Šapić.

“This is illegal . . . Belgrade elections were rigged,” said opposition politician and former deputy speaker Borko Stefanović, from the Freedom and Justice party, part of the main opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition.
「これは違法です 」 . . .ベオグラードの選挙は不正操作された」と、主要野党「暴力に反対するセルビア」連合の一員である自由と正義党の野党政治家で元副議長のボルコ・ステファノビッチ氏は語った。

Stefanović said opposition protesters had barricaded themselves inside the offices of the electoral commission and would remain there until the Belgrade elections were “annulled and new ones held”.

He said international monitoring reports were largely ineffectual as the government could ignore them at no cost.

“The OSCE reports are a piece of paper that nobody pays attention to,” he said. “For Vučić it’s just a box he has to tick but there’s no change in his autocratic behaviour. The threat of being denied access to the EU path means nothing, he doesn’t care about the EU path.”
「OSCE報告書は誰も注目しない紙切れだ」と同氏は語った。 「ブチッチにとって、それは彼がチェックしなければならない単なるボックスだが、彼の独裁的な行動に変化はない。 EUの道へのアクセスを拒否されるという脅しには何の意味も無く、彼はEUの道など気にしていない。」

The democracy watchdog CRTA, which sent election monitoring teams nationwide, also said it had reasons to dispute the election results.

“Considering the scope and diversity of electoral abuses . . . the results of the Belgrade elections do not reflect the freely expressed will of voters,” the watchdog said in a statement.
「選挙不正の範囲と多様性を考慮して . . .ベオグラードの選挙結果は有権者の自由に表明された意思を反映していない」と監視団体は声明で述べた。

Irregularities that directly compromised election results had been recorded at one in 20 polling stations in parliamentary elections and nearly one in 10 polling stations in Belgrade, it added.

