
イスラエルはガザで間違いを犯した。 イランに対して失うものはもっとある/HAARETZを読む

Israel Made Mistakes on Gaza. It Has More to Lose on Iran
イスラエルはガザで間違いを犯した。 イランに対して失うものはもっとある

On October 7 and on April 13, Israel was under attack. Both times, the country's leadership failed to properly assess the enemy's intentions, and both times, Israel won the sympathy of the Western world - but not for long. The price of another miscalculation on Netanyahu's part is far higher
10月7日と4月13日、イスラエルは攻撃を受けた。 どちらの場合も、国の指導者は敵の意図を適切に評価できず、どちらの場合もイスラエルは西側世界の共感を勝ち得たが、長くは続かなかった。 ネタニヤフ首相の新たな誤算の代償ははるかに大きい

All of a sudden, world leaders are standing in line to express their solidarity with Israel and condemn its enemies. The international media is reporting on the Israel Defense Forces as one of the most technologically advanced and efficient armies in the world. It seems so long since this happened, but at the same it also feels familiar. This is like things were six months ago, in those dark days following October 7.

It's sadly ironic, but the only thing Israel needs to gain the sympathy of the Western world is to be under attack. And Iran, with its 300-plus drones and missiles fired at Israel in the early hours of Sunday morning, gave it just that.
悲しいほど皮肉なことだが、イスラエルが西側諸国の同情を得るために必要なのは、攻撃を受けることだけだ。 そしてイランは日曜早朝に300機以上の無人機とミサイルをイスラエルに向けて発射し、まさにそれを与えた。

"We got a do-over," said one weary Israeli general. "The world is back on our side like it was on October 8. Let's see how quickly we waste it this time."
「我々はやり直すことができた」と疲れ果てたイスラエルの将軍の一人は語った。 「10月8日のときと同じように、世界は私たちの味方に戻ってきました。今度はどれだけ早く無駄にしてしまうか見てみましょう。」

There's one more thing the day after the Iranian attack has in common with the day after October 7: both events were preceded by a failure among Israel's intelligence community and leadership to properly assess the enemy's intentions.

The first time, it was the assessment that Hamas was "deterred" and focused on trying to bolster its hold over Gaza rather than attacking Israel. This time, it was the belief that Iran would stick to its decades-old policy of using its proxies to attack Israel rather than do so directly. It was this belief that guided the decision to launch the April 1 attack on the Iranian Embassy compound in Damascus, killing seven senior officers from the Revolutionary Guards.
初回はハマスが「抑止され」、イスラエル攻撃よりもガザ支配の強化に注力したとの評価だった。 今回は、イランが直接イスラエルを攻撃するのではなく、代理人を利用してイスラエルを攻撃するという数十年来の政策を堅持するとの見方があった。 この信念が、4月1日にダマスカスのイラン大使館敷地への攻撃を開始し、革命防衛隊の高官7名を殺害する決定を導いたのである。

The difference this time is that Israel, with a lot of help from its friend President Joe Biden, had time to reassess and prepare its defenses before the attack. That's the difference between 1,400 dead and captured, and one injured 7-year-old girl. Israel's decision-makers – and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is just one of them – are not reacting on behalf of a traumatized and wounded nation.
今回の違いは、イスラエルが友人のジョー・バイデン大統領の多大な支援を受けて、攻撃前に防衛体制を再評価し準備する時間があったことだ。 それは、1,400人の死者と捕虜と、1人の7歳の少女の負傷の違いだ。 イスラエルの政策決定者たち、そしてベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ首相もその一人にすぎないが、心に傷を負い傷ついた国民を代表して反応しているわけではない。

Another key difference is that while Israel has to make its own decisions on how to respond to the Iranian attack, it now has more to lose. This brief moment of international support is not just a rhetorical one. The defense it mounted on Sunday, which prevented all but a tiny handful of the Iranian missiles from getting through, was together with a U.S.-led coalition that included both Western and Arab nations. Whatever Israel does next, it risks squandering not just international goodwill but an unprecedented level of military cooperation that only a few years would have been unthinkable.
もう一つの重要な違いは、イスラエルはイランの攻撃にどのように対応するかについて独自の決定を下さなければならない一方で、失うものの方が大きいことだ。 この束の間の国際的な支援は、単なる美辞麗句ではありません。 日曜日に強化した防衛は、ほんの一握りのイランのミサイルを除いてすべてのミサイルの通過を阻止したが、西側諸国とアラブ諸国の両方を含む米国主導の連合と協力していた。 イスラエルが次に何をするとしても、それは国際親善だけでなく、わずか数年では考えられなかった前例のないレベルの軍事協力を無駄にする危険がある。

As the three full members of the war cabinet – Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant and Benny Gantz – deliberate over Israel's response, they are all aware of the mistakes made the last time around when they sent the IDF into Gaza (though they probably don't agree on what those mistakes were), and of the stakes this time around.

Gallant has said as much in a statement his office released after he spoke with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, highlighting "the opportunity to establish an international coalition and strategic alliance to counter the threat posed by Iran."

In his own statement, Gantz stressed that "we need especially now to strengthen this strategic alliance and network of regional cooperation that we have built."

Netanyahu, on the other hand, has remained silent ever since the attack. He put out one social media post at 7 A.M. on Sunday saying: "We intercepted. We blocked. Together we will win." Since then, nothing. An astonishing silence from the man who has built an entire career on fulminating against Iran.
一方、ネタニヤフ首相はテロ以来、沈黙を守っている。日曜日の午前7時、彼はソーシャルメディアにこう投稿した: 「我々は封じた。我々は阻止した。共に勝利しよう" それ以来、何もない。イランに対する非難でキャリアを築いてきた人物からの驚くべき沈黙である。

Gallant and Gantz's positions are relatively simple. They both think Israel should retaliate to the Iranian attack, but are in favor of doing so in a way that will avoid any further major escalation and also not jeopardize that ad hoc coalition formed on Sunday morning. They both recognize this as a unique strategic moment that must not be wasted. Netanyahu's calculations are much more complex.

An international coalition against Iran is what he has longingly spoken of for many years. If the circumstances were different, he could be claiming this as his legacy. But he fears that, ultimately, the price of joining Biden's coalition against Iran will be the end of his own governing coalition in the Knesset. If Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, who are demanding a devastating response against Iran, stay in the government despite a much more muted one, they will certainly leave if Netanyahu accepts the other condition for Biden's grand plan – the condition not being discussed this week, but which is still there: finally agreeing to the Palestinian Authority taking over in Gaza, as Israel continues to wind down its campaign there.

Even if that condition is not part of the discussions taking place in the war cabinet, it will be lingering in the air, and certainly in Netanyahu's mind.


