
Bathing a newborn in Japan -Level of water-

I told about frequency last time. when you give a baby birth, how much water do you use? just 5-7cm from the bottom? or you fill the bath tub with warm water?
This is also regarding the culture.

Fill the bath tub and wash in there with low stimulus soap (or without) , then lastly you pour warm water from the bowl is the basic way in Japan. some parents uses baby bathe powder instead of soap. 
Sponge bath, meanwhile, prepare the warm water just for sponge bath (around 5-7cm from the bottom of your baby’s bath tub) , let your baby lie down on the sling which is above the bath tub) dampen a washcloth and wipe his face and ears, without using soap, wash his body with using soap ( if you want )Either way is fine, of course!

However. it might be difficult for you to get the baby bath tub with sling in Japanese store as we normally don’t use it...Hope you could get through the online shopping! 


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