
Winter food in Japan

In autumn, I discuss about seasonal food in this blog.
Time goes by so fast, doesn't it?

I can say winter is the season for the root veges.
Especially radish and Chinese cabbage.
Generally, we, Japanese likes to have Japanese hotpot which is called Nabe (なべ;鍋)
we put some radish, thin-sliced pork belly, carrots, Chinese cabbage, meat balls (chicken), mushrooms, spring onion and Tofu in the several broth.
Don't you think even for the ingredients of Nabe have a ton of nutrient like vitamin B1 or potassium.
For the broth, my favourite is kimchi soup ( Korean fermented spicy pickles) or pork.

If you are pregnant when you read, I also recommend Kombu ( seaweed ) broth and put more chicken breast, deep friend Tofu ( Age) and leafy veges.
I know it looks like soup, but a little bit different for us.
Hope you enjoy HOT POT culture!


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