
07【5行エッセイ】ハーバード式英語学習法 My Family(私の家族)



  1. 読む・聞く・話す・書くの4つのスキルをバランスよく鍛える。

  2. 実際のコンテンツ(ニュース記事、映画、音楽、本など)を使って学習する。

  3. 文脈を理解しながら学習することで、単語や表現を記憶に定着させる。

  4. 自分の興味や目的に合った英語学習を行う。

In conclusion:

I am able to live a disciplined life thanks to my family.


For the first reason:

Taking care of my pet dogs, who cannot do anything by themselves, has become a significant part of my life.


Based on these facts: Dogs provide us with unconditional love, no matter what our mood is.
Based on these facts: Pet owners are encouraged to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

For the second reason:

My pet dogs lift my husband's spirits, which has improved his work efficiency.


Based on these facts: Petting and playing with dogs can provide a relaxing effect and help restore peace of mind.
Based on these facts: Dogs reduce feelings of loneliness and enhance communication with others, positively impacting their owner’s social life.

For the third reason:

I can always rely on my twin sister for support, and my youngest brother is always considerate of our parents, provide me with peace of mind.


Based on these facts: Twins have a very strong bond and deeply understand each other, which allows them to support and help one another during difficult times.
Based on these facts: Even as the youngest child, the eldest son often exhibits considerate behavior towards his parents due to his strong sense of gratitude and responsibility towards his family.

In conclusion:

Having a family gives me the motivation to live life with a passion and pursue the things I want to do.



Your writing is clear and well-structured! Here are a few minor suggestions for improvement:

In the introduction, consider using "I am able to lead" instead of "I am able to live" to better match the subsequent content about leading a disciplined life.

In the first reason, the phrase "has become my purpose in life" could be adjusted for clarity. Perhaps "has become a significant part of my life" or "brings purpose to my life" would convey the idea more precisely.

In the second reason, the phrase "cheer up my husband" could be refined to "lift my husband's spirits" for clarity and fluency.

In the third reason, consider using "provide me with peace of mind" instead of "gives me peace of mind" for consistency in tense and structure.

In the conclusion, consider using "gives me the motivation to live life with passion" instead of "gives me the motivation to live life with a passion" for smoother flow.

Overall, your writing effectively conveys your appreciation for your family and how they contribute to your well-being. Great job!

あなたの文章は明確で、よく構成されています! 改善のための小さな提案をいくつか紹介します。


最初の理由では、「人生の目的になった」という表現を明確にするために調整することができます。 おそらく、「私の人生の重要な部分になった」または「私の人生に目的をもたらした」という方が、この考えをより正確に伝えることができるでしょう。

2 番目の理由では、「夫を元気づけて」というフレーズを、明確かつ流暢に表現するために「夫の気分を高揚させる」と言い換えることができます。

3 番目の理由では、時制と構造の一貫性を保つために、「安心を与えてください」の代わりに「安心を提供してください」を使用することを検討してください。


全体として、あなたの文章は、家族に対する感謝の気持ちと、彼らがあなたの幸福にどのように貢献しているかを効果的に伝えています。 よくやった!

