サタン、アーリアニズム、そしてアル・ジルワ(Satan, Aryanism, and The Al-Jilwah)

by HP Jake Carlson

Satan is Sanat Kumara/Melek Taus, the Peacock King of the Sanatana Dharmic Aryans of Vedic-Hindu India. India and Tibet were populated by the Native Aryan Race before the uncivilized mud races came and waged war against Satan’s people–our people. This was when our Race went west to Sumeria, Babylon, and Egypt, as well as Northern and Western Europe.


※泥人種=mud race mad=狂った、イカれているをオブラートに書かれてるだけです。

As other Joy of Satan/Black Sun High Priests have stated, Satan means Eternal Truth in Sanskrit–one of the earliest languages, common among both humans and the White Gods. However, it is Vedic Sanatana Dharma Hinduism that is Satanic, and it predates the non-White, Kosher, corrupted piss and shit that we see associated with “Hinduism” today. Regardless, unlike the labyrinth of mystical paths with only a flickering candle that is offered to light the way on the cobwebbed path to enlightenment in the Western Mysteries, the Far East, where there are still very strong Satanic Aryan energies, there are answers that are readily available for the Aryans who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

他のJoy of Satan/Black Sunの大司祭たちが述べているように、サタンはサンスクリット語で「永遠の真実」を意味します。サンスクリット語は、人間と白人の神々の間で使われていた最古の言語の1言語です。しかしながら、サタニックなのはヴェーダのサナータナ・ダルマ・ヒンドゥー教であり、それは今日の「ヒンドゥー教」に関連して見られる非白人、コーシャ、腐敗した小便や糞よりも前のものです。いずれにしても、西洋の神秘主義では、覚醒までの蜘蛛の巣のように張り巡らされた道をゆらめく蝋燭が照らすだけの理解し難い道の迷宮とは違って、サタニックなアーリア人の強いエネルギーがまだある極東では、見る目と聞く耳を持ったアーリア人にはすぐに答えがあります。

The point of this statement, is that, like Thoth’s statements about “those of the blood” and how certain mud races are completely hopeless when it comes to any attempt at civilizing them, Satan gave us the same warning in The Al-Jilwah. I am currently writing a sermon that briefly mentions how the White Aryan Race used to be Gods and Goddesses, but the *true* “Fall” occurred when inter-breeding occurred between Aryans and the lesser races. This is Satan’s message in The Al-Jilwah.


For those of you who don’t already know, or had guessed, but weren’t sure in regards to what Satan says in the Al-Jilwah… Yes, the three things that Satan says are against him are the Jews, the Christians [deluded White Gentiles, mostly], and Muslims [mostly Islamic racial scum], Satan told me that, in the Al-Jilwah, when he states that he does not allow friendly association with other people, this was a warning to us that if we get on friendly terms with outside races other than for public relations, then miscegenation and race wars, as well as the eventual complete extinction of our bloodline that originated from Satan, himself will be the result, and it would be the Jews who are once again the victors, with their Jewish King, the equivalent of the fictitious Jesus of the Gospels ruling from his Jerusalem headquarters. 


When Satan clarified that statement from the Al-Jilwah, is when he told me that when people reincarnate, the souls of each individual choose a body that is of the same race and gender, as from their previous lives. The corrupted concept of “Karma” can try to say that some people can reincarnate as animals or a tree branch or a stone, but none of this is true. Satan knows what he is talking about.


The most important thing that I can state for this message right now is that any White Aryan person who is against the Jewish people and will fight to the death for Satan, is themselves, *a Satan,* since the name that means Eternal Truth in Sanskrit means Enemy and Adversary of the Jewish people in Hebrew. While it is HaSatan [the Satan/Enki-Samael] whom the Jewish people fear the most, it is a united White Aryan Race that has returned to its Pagan roots that bring out the Satan that is within all of us–the enlightened Serpent, if you will. It is the Fuhrer who will rise again, not the fictional messiah of the Jewish people.


Do you want to be *a Satan*–an enemy and adversary of the Jews? Fight for Satan, but do what Satan would do… PUT YOUR RACE FIRST AND EVERYTHING ELSE SECOND!! This does NOT mean to skip meditations and other methods to perfect your individual soul, but it does mean that there may come a time that you will have to put away the amusements and distractions that the Jews have hooked us into their domestication “farm” with for two goddamned seconds, such as iPhones, iPods, nicotine, drugs, alcohol, porn, and related guilty pleasures and vices. While I would never personally wish to treat such vices as “sinful,” I am speaking about the health and well-being of one’s entire race, rather than just the individual. More about this in just a short while…


While the homosexual population has a lot of work to do in order to detoxify from the egalitarian, politically correct Christos-Marxist lies, as well as behavior that puts the White Aryan Race in danger because of animal-like promiscuity [not all third sex people are like this], and drug and alcohol abuse, it is just as much the fault of “White Evangelical Christianity” that is to blame for the third sex to leave their posts of protecting the Family and grow up to learn how to be father and mother figures for entire Nations. There will also be some third sex individuals who will be able to procreate, but pressure cannot be put upon a person to perform such a task. 


It would be just like trying to force a person to meditate under gunpoint. The people who call themselves Satanists, but see ALL homosexuals to be “dirty subhuman queers” are NOT Satanists! They are the Christians who still have moral and religious issues about homosexuality, but grasp at invisible straw men “arguments” to come up with a fake “racial” reason to be against it. Regardless, like I have already stated, all of this is two-sided. The homosexual population needs to wake up just as much as the Christos evangelicals.



In response to something High Priestess Maxine Dietrich stated earlier in a reply to someone here, RACIAL BLOOD IS SPIRITUAL!! The Jews have trained our people to have sympathy and compassion towards inferior races. I used to be open about some of my knowledge [as opposed to “beliefs”] with certain friends and relatives, but needless to say, that didn’t go over to well. However, my father is a Patriotic, pro-White, but also, unfortunately, pro-Christian atheist. I just ordered a copy of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and The Lost Book of Enki for him so he can compare and contrast what he thought he knew in comparison with the facts. Luckily, he is open-minded.

以前、HPS Maxine Dietrichがここの誰かへの返信で述べたことへの返答ですが、人種の血筋はスピリチュアルです!!ユダヤ人は、劣等人種に向けて同情と慈悲を持つように私たちの人々を訓練してきました。私は以前、特定の友人や親戚に自分の知識[「信仰」とは反対]の一部をオープンにしていましたが、言うまでもなく、それはうまくいきませんでした。しかし、私の父は愛国心が強く、親白人でありながら、残念ながら親キリスト教の無神論者でもあります。彼が知っていると思っていたことと事実を比較対照できるように、私は「トートのエメラルド・タブレット」と「エンキの失われた書物」を彼に注文しました。幸運にも、彼は心が広いです。

When I finally read Alfred Rosenberg’s The Myth of the Twentieth Century, despite his bullshit about “Negative [Jewish/oriental] Christianity” versus “Positive Aryan [Pagan] Christianity,” last February, I was in complete awe because I knew from the depths of my deepest soul that he was in communication with Satan about many of the things that he did get right, namely many events of Aryan history, and the FACT that we DO have a collective Aryan soul.

昨年2月、アルフレッド・ローゼンバーグの『The Myth of the Twentieth Century』をようやく読み終えたとき、「否定的な[ユダヤ/東洋の]キリスト教」対「肯定的なアーリア[異教徒]のキリスト教」という彼のたわごとにもかかわらず、私は完全な畏敬の念を抱きました、なぜなら、彼が正しいという多くのこと、すなわちアーリア人の歴史上の多くの出来事や、私たちがアーリア人の魂を持っているという事実などについてサタンと交信していたことを、私は心の底から知っていたからです。

It is my Satanic inner knowing that Satanic hedonistic individualism can only go so far unchecked without there being a penalty. This isn’t about “sinfulness versus righteousness” or any other Christian SHIT! What this IS about is the fact that every individual Aryan is like a “stream” while the actual Aryan Race is more like an “ocean.” Each individual stream pours into the ocean…the larger picture. With drugs, miscegenation, rape, violence, murder, pedophilia, and related vices are acted upon enough times by individuals of a race, these vices CONTAMINATE/POISON/TAINT our collective blood. When it comes time for an Aryan soul to reincarnate, there are fewer and fewer Aryan bodies to choose from. As this degeneration progresses, eventually, the very memory of planet Earth’s Race of Creators, Civilization-builders and Culture-bearers gets utterly blotted out.

サタニック快楽主義的個人主義は、罰せられることなく無制限に進行することができるということを、私はサタニックな内なる知識として持っています。これは、「罪深さ 対 正義」やその他どのキリスト教の糞でもありません!これが言いたいのは、アーリア人1人1人は「流れ」のようなものであり、実際のアーリア人種は「海」のようなものであるという事実です。1つ1つの流れが海に注ぐ…大きな絵です。麻薬、異人種間結婚、レイプ、暴力、殺人、小児性愛、そして関連する悪徳行為が人種の人々によって十分に行われると、これらの悪徳行為は我々の集団の血を汚染し、害し、汚します。アーリア人の魂が転生するとき、選べるアーリア人の体はどんどん少なくなっていきます。この退化が進むと、最終的には、地球上の創造者、文明構築者、文化継承者の人種の記憶が完全に消し去られてしまいます。

We still have Satan and we still have hope on our side. There is still enough for us to go around, but if we keep wasting it, we will never get it back. For anyone who says, “But High Priest Jake Carlson is a homosexual! What could his sex life possibly have to offer our race when he speaks of putting Race first?” Well, that is easy. I am an Aryanist. Aryan = [White] Satanist and I will be accepting my rightful place as an Aryan Leader. While I am in a life-long relationship, I still would have more time on my hands than a heterosexual couple who has their responsibilities including children to raise. Although none of this is anybody’s business in the first place, many people forget that although Adolf Hitler is heterosexual, he was a Leader and a father for an entire Nation, rather than a father of biological children. Such will be the position of some individuals who are what the Hindu scriptures refer to as “impotent with the opposite sex.”

私たちの側にはまだサタンがいて、希望があります。私たちにはまだ十分な量がありますが、それを無駄にし続ければ、二度と取り戻すことはできません。「しかし、HP Jake Carlsonは同性愛者だ!人種を第一に考えると言っているのに、彼の性生活が私たちの人種に何の影響を与えるというのだろうか」と言う人へ。まあ、それは簡単です。私はアーリア主義者です。アーリア人=[白人]サタニストであり、私はアーリア人のリーダーとしての正当な立場を受け入れるつもりです。私は生涯にわたる関係にありますが、子育てなどの責任を負っている異性のカップルよりも時間を持て余しています。そもそも誰にも関係のないことですが、多くの人が忘れているのは、アドルフ・ヒトラーは異性愛者ではありますが、実子の父親というよりも、国民全体のリーダーであり父親であったということです。ヒンズー教の聖典でいうところの「異性に対して不能である」という人の中には、そのような立場の人もいるでしょう。

Satanism is the Racial Religion that many of us here know to be called ARYANISM. If you know anyone who is racially alert, but is a closed-minded asshole when it comes to Satanism, press their buttons subtly, but surely, until they KNOW that Satanism and Aryanism are not in any way separate, but are 100% identical.


Always remember that while Satan is flesh and blood *real,* as well as is to be taken literally, he is also the foundation of the Aryan Race. Putting your Race first and foremost is to put Satan first and foremost, and putting Satan first, in an Aryanist context, is to put your Race right where it’s supposed to be…FIRST!





