


田角社長の声明動画 -Addressing Your Concerns-

文字起こし -Transcript- 

Hello I'm Riku Tazumi, CEO of ANYCOLOR Inc.
I am making this video to speak directly to you, the fans of NIJISANJI EN and everyone who supports the VTuber industry.
First of all, I deeply apologize for causing concern to many many people.
Please allow me this time to address your concerns.

First, let me apologize for misunderstanding caused by the notice published on our Investor Relations page on February seventh.
After announcing the termination of Selen's contract, we received questions from investors regarding the impact this would have on company performance.
The notice was published to respond to investors.
In the notice, we unfortunately used the expression "negligible" to describe performance impact.
Our wording lacked consideration for the situation, and caused NIJISANJI EN fans and everyone who supports the VTuver industry to feel that ANYCOLOR Inc. undervalued the impact of Selen's contract termination, or Selen herself.
I deeply regret this outcome and will be reinking how our communication in English is done.
Without a doubt Selen was integral to the growth of NIJISANJI EN.
As a company, it is truly unfortunate that our relationship ended the way it did.
We regret that the notice we published on February seventh was worded this way.
We made it sound like our company does not value the hard work of our Livers.
I deeply apologize.

Next, I will address the feedback to our announcement which led to the idea that ANYCOLOR Inc. may not be providing a safe environment where the Livers can maintain good mental health.
We take full responsibility for this situation where not only ANYCOLOR Inc. but also our Livers are receiving heartful messages.
I deeply apologize to our Livers and to everyone who supports them.
Company actions have led to the distress of our Livers and we are taking this situation very seriously.
Please understand that some Livers may choose to temporary step back from social media.
The management team continues to communicate with Livers to provide any and all support in every way they can.
We will be implementing several new internal systems to ensure that the Livers can resume streaming activities while maintaining their well-being.
Also, by establishing things, such as better reporting systems, we aim to create an environment where we can better identify and resolve issues more quickly.

Next, I would like to address the concern that has been raised by funds who have been supporting the VTber community, regarding whether ANYCOLOR Inc. has been supporting NIJISANJI EN enough.
Regarding YouTube content, we did not have officiaal programmes available until fall last year.
Other than content for the 3D event in July and the canceled NIJISANJI EN LIVE "COLORS" in February last year, there has been a lack of 3D live content.
However, in the meantime, we have spent the past year recruiting and working on strengthening the EN staff so we can better provide content for NIJISANJI EN.
Since las year we have also started multiple new projects that are still in progress.
In addition to supporting Livers' own activities we hope this will help improve our NIJISANJI EN content offerings.
One of them is the game event stream that was scheduled to be held on the eleventh(JST).
However, considering the situation after recent events, this event is being delayed so that we can properly direct our full attention to reviewing and ensuring the quality of our Livers' well-being.
As a company, we intend to do everything in our ability to support NIJISANJI EN and meet the fans' expectations.

Finally, I apologize for, not just recent events, but also pre-existing areas that needed our attention.
Our Livers are irreplaceable, each and every one of them.
Beyond being business partners, they are the most important individuals that we must protect as a company.
To everyone who has, and continues to, support the Livers, I am very sorry that stations were allowed to arise where our dedication to their well-being was not clear.
I feel that this should never be the case.
Once more, personally and on behalf of our company, I apologize to you all for causing concern.
As ANYCOLOR Inc., we will do everything we can to ensure that we create and maintain an environment where the Livers can succeed in their creative endeavors.

In this video, I, Riku Tazumi, CEO of ANYCOLOR Inc., will be addressing concerns that have arisen as a result of recent events regarding the contract termination of Selen Tatsuki. I will do my best to connect with you in English so please allow me to use my notes to help me deliver this message to you directly.

”Addressing Your Concerns"

