
無料公開!>【佛教大学レポート制覇の道⑤】2023 English Writing 制覇・・!




今回は第5弾「English Writing」です。レポートらしくはなく問題の回答を記述していくというもので、最後に英作文がありました。

English Writing

I.次の文中の直接話法を間接話法に書き換え、書き換え後の文章の伝達動詞(本文中に一つとは限らない)は [] でくくりなさい(例:John [cried] ... )。
 One day, two years ago, a Japanese woman said to her husband, “I am going out to work. I want to have a profession.” This seemed to astound her husband. He said to her, “Are you going to turn into a man like me?”
 Another Japanese woman, Yuko Ijichi of Kobe, testified, "The system of forced retirement at an early age means that unmarried women have no option but to become poorly paid prostitutes." She said, "Prostitution houses make a business out of women's slave labor."

 1. I ate a lot at the coffee shop, since I did not know that dinner was going to be served.
 2. I did not visit you, since I did not know that you were in the hospital.

III.下記に述べられた人々に、「to不定詞をとる動詞」を使って助言を与えなさい。〔例 suggest, advise, comment, stop, hope 等〕
 1. Mariko has an examination next week, but she is going out every evening.
 2. Hideo always drives very fast.
 3. Keiko's husband seldom does housework.
 4. Keiko eats too many sweets and is putting on weight.

 1. The South Pole is the coldest place.
 2. Haruko is my most enthusiastic student.
 3. The most interesting woman I've met is my teacher.

留意する点: 1) 現在完了形を用いること。 2)頻度の副詞[句]を用いること。3) 語数は45 - 55語。4)一つの話題にしぼること。5) 総語数をカウントして記入すること。



 One day, two years ago, She [told] her husband that she was going to work and wanted to have a profession. This seemed to astound her husband. He [asked] her if she was going to turn into a man like him.
 Another Japanese woman, Yuko Ijichi of Kobe, [testified] that the system of forced retirement at an early age meant that unmarried women had no option but to become poorly paid prostitutes. She [said] that prostitution houses made a business out of women's slave labor.

 1.I wouldn't have eaten so much at the coffee shop if I had known that dinner was going to be served.
 2.I would have visited you if I had known that you were in the hospital.

 1.I advise Mariko to stop going out every evening.
 2.I advise Hideo to drive carefully.
 3.I hope that Keiko's husband should start to help with the housework.
 4.I suggest that Keiko should refrain from eating sweets.

 1.The South Pole is colder than any other place.
 2.Haruko is more enthusiastic than any other student of mine.
 3.My teacher is more interesting than any other woman I've met.

 I have started online English classes lately because I am eager to increase my english vocabulary and improve my english skill such as pronunciation and grammar, listening or something. I almost always attend the class twice a day and every two days. I will keep doing my best.  (48 words)