5月の好きなVtuber音楽// May Vtuber Music I Liked





I started this 'note' article because I wanted to convey my passion and interests in Vtuber music. I think I'll start off by writing monthly, noting down any MV that I really liked. The order of the MVs do not mean anything, as it may just be in chronological order. I am not musically trained, so I won't be doing any technical review. The only criteria is that I liked the MV.

I don't know who might read these articles, but if I was even able to get one person to discover a new song or singer, I'd say it's a great day.

Note that I am a foreigner, so the articles will be written in English. I'll be using AI to translate to Japanese. As a way for me to also practice my Japanese, I'll type out the translations manually, and make any edits for things like names and context. I apologize if there's any errors or wrong usage of words in the end.
Thank you for reading!

1. 邂逅 | 花譜


A super emotional and beautiful song. It was the last song with Kanzaki Iori as part of KAMITSUBAKI. The piano intro creates a sad and solemn mood. It picks up with the drumming, before the full instrumental kicks in to create an optimistic view. By the time KAF's voice is heard, my emotions are already mixed between being motivated and sad. KAF's unique voice is the perfect last touch to the song. The whisper and soft voice that slowly becomes more powerful as she screams the song is reflective of how I imagine she's feeling. At the end of one path, sad, but moving forward nonetheless. The lyrics itself is a work of art. Reflective of our society and the world, that we all should be striving to change.

2. UnControllable | NoWorld 


An amazing and powerful song by NoWorld. With the music and lyrics by NoiR, who is normally so soft spoken and cute, she continues to create an amazing contrast with her original songs. The darker theme and serious message combined with her vocal creates an image that leaves a strong impression to me. The cool band style instrumental adds to the fierceness of the song as well. All these elements together creates a song that is all about breaking free from the controls of others, rebelling against those who seek to oppress and control the character.

3. 春夏秋冬 | 夢羽九.YUMEBA KU


Yumeba Ku, an amazing and cute rapper who loves writing lyrics, created a chill song about the four seasons. You really feel a bit of contrast with each of the season, as she talks about the various love she has for each of them. It's a song I just want to go on a stroll with while embracing nature. 

4. 茜さす | covered by 茜音カンナ


Canna's singing, especially in her covers, are always so powerful and emotional. Contrary to her very cute personality and image, her singing is filled with emotion and feeling. She excels at sad songs such as this, but her covers still add her own personality into the song. This cover would almost bring me to tears. 

5. 紗痲 | covered by 山神カルタ×夕陽リリ×天ヶ瀬むゆ


An amazing MV that is a treat for the eyes and ears. The dance cover itself is spellbinding for me, as I love the dance of these three girls. The song cover itself is always very interesting, as the three are able to have their individual voices shine while harmonizing smoothly together as a group.

6. スタジオギアナ 「不可逆のクロノスタシス」 そらる × ろん / カンザキイオリ


A combination of some of the biggest names in the industry. While they are producers and singers to start, the singers do have V models. From how the story are told, the lyrics involved, instruments, pacing, everything works together so well to create an amazing MV. The transition between LON and soraru's vocals creates such a strong contrast. However, they build onto that by having variances within the solo's of each singer. My favorite part is where LON whispers as backing to soraru's singing. The song itself is perfection.

7. アフターユ | 長瀬有花


Yuka's new song is interesting and unique in a very special way that's very much Yuka's style. The song trials a lot of new elements that goes beyond a standard song. From the off beat rhythm, playful vocals, addicting lyrics, the song is a treat for the ear. The little noise effects from bubbles to the disk scratches makes it even more fun. The song just makes me want to sway from side to side.

8. 東京 | 隣町本舗


Honpo's new song after many months is a beautiful and meaningful song based on Tokyo. It's symbolic of people who come to the big city in pursuit of their dreams. Along the way reality may push them down and become an obstacle. People may feel lost, but hopefully one day they'll learn to find the love they had originally again. The distinct MV accompanies the chill song to create something that you want to listen to while sitting back and reminiscing.

9. トラエノヒメ | covered by それ故


Yue had two great covers this month, but I picked TORAENOHIME because I really liked her part in the middle. The illustration provides a mature looking Yue that's different from usual look, but is still very like her. The little attention to detail to the art and how it pays tribute to the original is a great touch. While it's faithful to the original, Yue's slightly whisper like singing voice creates a special song to the song that's unique to only her.

10. くらべられっ子 | covered by 涼海ネモ


Nemo's cover of a TUYU song is very fitting and amazing. She sings with a clear and elegant voice that's got a lot of strength that pierces into the listener. The cover stays very faithful to the original, but you can still tell it is Nemo singing with her own identity while showing her control over her vocal. A beautiful cover.



Thank you for reading this far. I hope you were able to find a new song or impression. I'll work on expanding my vocabulary, and looking at the songs in further detail next time to better write down my thoughts and emotions. See you next month.

先月の記事 / Last Month's Post
