
Why put shoubu in Children's Day baths?菖蒲(ショウブ)を何故、子供の日 にお風呂に入れるか #英語で解説 してみました

On May 5th, known as Children's Day, there's a tradition of taking a "🌾shoubu-yu" bath. Have you ever wondered why? Let's delve into the origins and process of making this herbal bath. Traditionally, shoubu, an herb, is boiled in water to create the bath. But why this custom? Some believe it brings about good health and wards off illness. So, on this day, let's enjoy the various traditions like decorating with 🎏 koinobori and 🎎 dolls, and indulging in treats like 🍡 chimaki and 🍡 kashiwamochi. It's a day filled with unique customs to celebrate!
