


そこで発見してしまったちょっと過激でユーモアのあるHow To Write Goodという画像がこちら!使ってはいけない皮肉な表現でアカデミックライティングの常識やルールを提示していますが、Critical Thinkingを養うタスクにご活用ください。

1. Avoid alliteration. Always. - 韻を踏むのは避けて、絶対!
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. - 前置詞で文を終わらせちゃダメ!
3. Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat.) - 決まり文句は避けて。完全に時代遅れ!
4. Employ the vernacular. - 日常言葉を使おう!
5. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc. - アンパサンドや略語などは使わない!
6. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. - 括弧内の注釈は(どんなに関連があっても)不要!
7. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive. - 不定詞を分けちゃいけない!
8. Contractions aren't necessary. - 短縮形は必要ない!
9. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos. - 外来語や成句は適切ではない!
10. One should never generalize. - 一般化するべきではない!
11. Eliminate quotations. - 引用を省く!
12. Comparisons are as bad as cliches. - 比較も決まり文句も同じくらい良くない!
13. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous. - 冗長にならないで;必要以上の言葉は使わないで!まじで無駄!
14. Profanity sucks. - 汚言は最悪!
15. Be more or less specific. - もう少し具体的に!
16. Understatement is always best. - 控えめが常にベスト!
17. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement. - 大げさは控えめより10億倍悪い!
18. One-word sentences? Eliminate. - 一言文?即削除!
19. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake. - 書き言葉のたとえは蛇に生えた羽のようなもの!
20. The passive voice is to be avoided. - 受動態は避けるべき!
21. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms. - 口語を避けるために遠回りすべし!
22. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed. - 混ざった比喩が響いても、それを逸脱させるべき!
23. Who needs rhetorical questions? - 修辞的な質問って必要?


21. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms. - 口語を避けるために遠回りすべし!が難しい表現だなと思い調べてみました。QuoraでGo around the barn at high noonの語源解説をしている人がいたのでご覧ください。

The expression is “go around the barn at high noon” or more often, to “go ‘round Robinhood’s barn” means to go by a circuitous or lengthy or roundabout way; or when referring to something in writing or when speaking, means being overly wordy and saying something that could have been said in fewer words or more directly.
The saying is derived from the legendary outlaw, Robinhood. There is a discrepancy as to whether it was a literal barn where he stored all of his ‘stolen’ goods, or if it was a metaphorical “barn” or stretch of the country which he was known to have inhabited and/or stored his possessions. Either way, the saying has come to refer to any large space or stretch of land.
For example, in the sentence, “I’ve looked all round Robin Hood’s barn, but I can’t find my dog”, “all round Robin Hood’s barn” means in all directions, everywhere, on all sides, up and down.
An example of to “go around the barn at high noon” when speaking would be if a neighbor asks if he/she could borrow your lawn mower, you replied: “The car, which is in the garage, is broken”. Could just as easily have replied, “The lawn mower is broken”. Unless you have more than one lawn mower, no need to say the location of the item.

