
学生証届く/I got Student ID

学割を使いたかったので早速amazon studentとYouTube の学割を実践。

amazon studentは学籍番号を入れれば良くて、YouTubeは学生証裏面(顔写真とか学部とか有効期限とか色々載ってる)の写真を送って無事審査通過。

もう一つnews picksの学割プランも使いたいけど、こちらはac.jpのメアド登録のためもうちょっと待ち。まだ学生メアドが私の元に届いてないので来たら登録する。

When I came back from my business trip to Kobe, I got my student ID card and a lot of documents! I wanted to use the student discount, so I applied for amazon student and YouTube's student discount.

For amazon student, all I had to do was put in my student ID number, and for YouTube, I sent a photo of the back of my student ID card (which has my face photo, faculty, expiration date, etc.) and passed the screening.

I also want to use the student discount plan of news picks, but I have to wait a little longer because I have to register my ac.jp mail address for this one. I haven't received the student mail address yet, so I will register it when it arrives.

▲学校のルールや履修について / some documets 
▲課題提出用の袋、A3サイズなど3種類あった/envlops for art work



I have 70school  credits left to graduate, and since I probably won't graduate in 2 years, I decided to register for about 20 credits. When I looked this morning, I saw that the application was still in process, so I will do some research over the weekend!

Even if I can actually register for classes, I don't know what the textbooks will be like or how I will listen to the lectures, so there will be a lot of research to do.

 See you soon!!