


ある日ビデオ通話をしている時に、主人の後ろのタンスの上に白いものが見えて 「一体それは何?」と聞いたら、 「ああ、これはただのくつ下」 といって無造作に宙に放り投げました。その時は、その様子がなんだかかわいらしく思えましたが、結婚すると変わるもので、タンスの上に置きっぱなしの洗濯物を見ると今はイラっとしてしまいます。






ペンキ塗りの様子はこちらです ☟


Being neat and Being clean are two different things

When my husband and I started dating, we had a long-distance relationship between America and Japan using Skype. One day, when I was talking to him, I saw something white on his dresser and asked him what it was. He said “It’s just a sock” and threw it to the side. That was cute to me at the time, but my feelings changed after we got married. Leaving laundry on the dresser like that makes me irritated.

My husband’s desk is always messy and dusty. I thought that would distract him, but he said the way I organize the files on my computer is more messy. It’s true that I leave a lot of unnecessary items or files strewn about my computer, because organizing them is very annoying to me for some reason.

My husband is very methodical, and his handwriting looks like he lined it up with a ruler. I think that’s rare for American people, but my mother-in-law’s handwriting is exactly the same as my husband and she also doesn’t care about how dirty the windows are. I guess being neat and being clean are two different things.

In my case, I like to keep things relatively clean and do laundry almost every day, but in some ways I’m kind of rough. When I plant seeds, for example, I just scatter them without thinking too much about where they’re going, and my husband is always exasperated when I break machines because I’m rough with them.

And when it comes to painting, my husband is more careful, so I only paint the primer and leave the final coat to him. He is weirdly a perfectionist with certain things and even paints the ceilings of closet. (I’m thinking…who even sees that?!)

It’s a bit frustrating when he doesn’t care about the things that I do. But if I try to think positively, I wonder if it’s not our differences that allow us to complement and support each other.
