
【後編】逆回転が始まり、この世はひっくり返る Part 2: The reverse turn has begun and this world is turned upside down.































This article is a continuation from the previous one.

I'm sorry for the long preamble, but I'll get right to the point from here.
Has anyone else noticed that the world has somehow started to spin backwards recently?

I am a woman, so I have been living for a long time, not only in the past four years, but rather unconsciously using my right brain, which controls sensitivity and sensation. And I feel that these four years of uninhibited and liberated have further opened up that sense completely.

Recently, videos on YouTube that talk about the difference between the right brain and the left brain, or about the liberation of the right brain, have become very popular, and I feel that people are beginning to recognize that it is the right brain that controls the senses.

Women, in particular, have been good at using their right brains since birth, and I think they are able to use their senses even if they are not aware of it, but I can sense that they are not aware of it because it is too familiar to them. However, many people are beginning to realize this!

Moreover, men have recently begun to take an interest in developing their own right brain. I think this is quite a great thing. Because it is the left brain that men are good at. I think that when men place importance on sensitivity and have a respectful and reverential heart for invisible beings, they can easily turn the world upside down. That is how powerfully men can move reality.

Until now, I have often asked my male partners and friends, "Why don't you understand me? (I am sure it is the same for women from men's point of view...) However, by opening this sense, both men and women can synchronize their consciousness and use telepathic senses. I believe that both men and women will be able to synchronize their consciousness and use a sense of telepathy.

There have been times when I had to use my left brain to explain things theoretically to men in order for them to understand me, even when we women could understand each other. But recently, through my work, I feel that men are more able to "communicate with each other through the heart. I have been feeling that men are more able to "communicate with each other" than women. And it is often the case that such people have begun to take an interest in some kind of spirituality. Or they are influenced by their wives or female partners.

However, I also feel that men should not easily get involved with drugs in order to develop their right brain. This is because the desire to obtain more power than one is capable of is egoic. It is safer to think that power that can be easily obtained by the ego rather than naturally acquired power comes with its own dangers.

In the case of women, even if a woman has been a left-brained woman, I feel that the liberation of the right brain is a quicker learning curve for women. So I feel that the change on the male side is more like a rapid evolution.

On the other hand, I also feel that women who have been active right-brain users should do the opposite and consciously use their left brains. In other words, they should actively acquire intelligence and knowledge. This will also help to balance the yin and yang of the whole. My current sole pleasure is to bring books into my bedroom on holidays and read them in a warm environment, and for the past year or so I have been spending my time like that during the winter months when I tend to be cooped up.

However, some people may not want to use their left brain because they want to develop their right brain, or they may want to use only their left brain because they want to accumulate knowledge to the maximum extent possible. In fact, I have experienced that when I use only my right brain, my left brain does not work as much as it should. Conversely, when I am consciously using my left brain, I feel my inspiration slow down.

Since I have returned to work, I have returned to a life in which I use my left brain to some extent, instead of the right brain-centered life I used to lead, so I am only comfortable with the current pace.

Based on this, however, I personally feel that the brain area that can be used may be further expanded by taking the dare to "train the right brain for men and the left brain for women". This is just my opinion based on my personal experience.

However, I have actually seen a man with a strong left brain, who is good at using his left brain, awaken to the fact that his right brain can be liberated and his extraordinary abilities can blossom. Since the right brain and the left brain are a pair, I personally feel that training only one of them will not expand the area of operation of the brain as a whole.

And I myself am becoming more conscious of increasing muscle mass by muscle training and running, as well as reading books. When women start doing what men used to be good at and men start doing what women used to be good at, I feel as if the concepts that used to be common knowledge in this world are turned upside down.

What will turn the world upside down may not be something difficult to accomplish, but may be found in the small efforts of each individual in his or her daily life, and even if it seems like a small idea, it may eventually lead to a big phenomenon. It may seem like a small idea, but I believe that it will eventually lead to a big phenomenon.

By the way, this is a completely different topic, but let me share a story about the appearance of the Japanese flag on my body recently. Let me share that story with you.
I hope you will read to this as a funny story...

I think the material of the clothes I was wearing at that time was not good, but the friction seemed to have charged my body with electrostatic Ki, and I was chatting with my phone under my right chest, and I got burned before I knew it.

This was discovered when I was in the bathroom that night and noticed a large blister on my lower right breast. It was a rectangular mark along the shape of the connector where you plug in your iphone's phone case for charging, and the center of the mark was swollen round and bright red, as if it had been gouged out with an electric scalpel.

I can't upload a picture to show you, but it was raised up as if it had been tattooed with the Japanese flag, the Hinomaru, or the Japanese flag of Japan.

It was just a burn caused by an accidental mistake, but when I activated my right brain to capture this phenomenon, the Hinomaru reminded me of the country of Japan, and the fact that it appeared on the surface as if it had been engraved seemed to me to suggest that the true image of Japan was beginning to emerge. At least, it was more nuanced than verbal. At least, that is how I perceived it, more as a nuance than as a word.

I leave it to you to decide how you take it.

However, please be careful of "smartphone burns" as a physical phenomenon. As a matter of fact, there are a surprisingly large number of cases of low-temperature burns caused by smartphones.

For my part, I am considering growing cotton partly because of this trend. Through this burn, I had a good opportunity to think about the materials used for things that are worn directly on the skin, and I did some research.

Cotton, linen, and silk, which are traditional natural materials, are excellent insulators and antistatic, so I went through my wardrobe to at least try to wear such materials in my innerwear. However, all I found were chemical fibers. I also realized that there are surprisingly few innerwear items made only from natural materials, unless you pay attention to them when you buy. Moreover, even if you search for 100% natural materials on the Internet, you will find that most of the underwear on the market is made of chemical fibers.

Having experienced the dangers firsthand, I was eager to wear clothing made of natural materials, but I also realized that it was difficult to find clothing in the design and price range that I liked. So what should I do? I wondered if I could contribute to the cultivation of cotton myself, even if only in a small way, and explore the possibilities beyond that. At the same time, I became interested in flax cultivation.

So, this year is going to be another busy year for me, but if I can make it to the cotton harvest, I am sure I will be so happy that I will jump up and down. It would be well worth the challenge. I am so delusional about such things that I am enjoying every day of my life. Simple as that.

At the moment, I have not yet thought about harvesting cotton, spinning it into yarn, making cloth, and so on, but the possibilities are endless if I want to go beyond that. I may ask someone who can do it to do the work, or I may make my own clothes from the finished cloth.

In this way, creating reality may be a series of small actions. And the trigger may be something unexpected and surprising. LOL!
