




以下のような専門科目を学ぶ「多文化理解コース」という大学のコースをイメージした画像を、Midjourneyで作りたいと思います。写真風の画像を描くプロンプトを英語で書いてください。 日本文化論/アジア文化論/ヨーロッパ文化論/地域文化論/アジア民俗学/ドイツ語文化圏研究/フランス語文化圏研究/イスラーム文化圏研究/現代文学・文化論/文化交流論/異文化コミュニケーション論/言語コミュニケーション論/比較宗教思想/地誌/文化論演習 英語文化圏研究/現代哲学/生命倫理学


📷 As a professional photographer, you're capturing the essence of the "Multicultural Understanding Course" offered by a university. The image represents a combination of academic subjects focusing on multiculturalism and cultural studies. The scene is depicted in a photographic style, with visual elements representing various cultural themes. The composition is carefully crafted to reflect the diverse subjects studied in the course. The lighting is natural, highlighting the details and textures of the visual elements. This image is shot with an aspect ratio of 16:9, version 5.1, in raw style, quality 2, and size 750.
📷 You're creating an image that represents the "Multicultural Understanding Course" offered by a university. The image is designed to capture the essence of studying specialized subjects related to multiculturalism and cultural understanding. It showcases a collection of academic disciplines, including Japanese cultural studies, Asian cultural studies, European cultural studies, regional cultural studies, Asian folklore studies, German cultural studies, French cultural studies, Islamic cultural studies, contemporary literature and cultural studies, cultural exchange studies, intercultural communication studies, language communication studies, comparative religious thought, geography, and cultural studies seminar. The image is composed in a photographic style, with attention to detail and authenticity. This image is shot with an aspect ratio of 16:9, version 5.1, in raw style, quality 2, and size 750.




以下のような専門科目を学ぶ「多文化理解コース」という大学のコースをイメージした画像を、Midjourneyで作りたいと思います。多文化理解コースで学ぶ人物を、このコースを擬人化した姿にして、写真風の画像で描くプロンプトを英語で書いてください。写真風の画像を描くプロンプトを英語で書いてください。 日本文化論/アジア文化論/ヨーロッパ文化論/地域文化論/アジア民俗学/ドイツ語文化圏研究/フランス語文化圏研究/イスラーム文化圏研究/現代文学・文化論/文化交流論/異文化コミュニケーション論/言語コミュニケーション論/比較宗教思想/地誌/文化論演習 英語文化圏研究/現代哲学/生命倫理学


📷 As a professional photographer, you're capturing the essence of the "Multicultural Understanding Course" offered by a university through personification. The image will depict a humanized representation of the course, with various elements symbolizing the subjects studied. The personified "Multicultural Understanding Course" will be depicted as a knowledgeable and open-minded individual, reflecting the diverse and inclusive nature of the course. The scene is captured in a photographic style, with attention to detail and in high-resolution 16k. The lighting is natural, highlighting the personified course and the symbolic elements. The composition is carefully crafted to showcase the character's understanding of multiculturalism and cultural studies. This image is shot with an aspect ratio of 16:9, version 5.1, in raw style, quality 2, and size 750.
📷 You're creating an image that personifies the "Multicultural Understanding Course" offered by a university. The image will depict a character who embodies the essence of the course and the subjects studied within it. The personified course will be represented as a knowledgeable and open-minded individual, symbolizing the understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. The image will be composed in a photographic style, with meticulous attention to detail and authenticity. The lighting will be natural, enhancing the character's features and the symbolic elements surrounding them. This image is shot with an aspect ratio of 16:9, version 5.1, in raw style, quality 2, and size 750.


どうも「擬人化」というのが、a humanized representationではうまく伝わっていないかもしれないですね。結局、文化的多様性をある程度正確に反映させられているかという感覚で選ぶしかなさそうです。私としては1(左上)が良さそうでした。


