

```Visualize a high-quality watercolor painting of wild daisies thriving in a natural park. The scene should feature a vibrant display of daisies, with the style inspired by J. M. W. Turner’s watercolors. Include pencil sketch lines under transparent, natural pigment watercolors with a 60% saturation level on textured paper, suggesting a quick drying time and suitability for plein air sketching. The watercolor style should complement the realism of the outdoor setting, with an overall feeling of happiness, peace, and simplicity.```
Thin ice A detour tread By cat's paw
Haiku by Trgr
This haiku uses "Thin ice" as a kigo(seasonal word), chosen from the saijiki, which is a traditional rulebook. Kigo are traditional devices for depicting the four seasons.
```Visualize a high-quality minimalist illustration of a calico cat walking through a grassy patch in Japan. It’s early March and frost has set in, a thin layer of ice covers the wet road, so cat on grassy patch. The minimalist art style should boldly use negative space and subtraction, eliminating all but the essential elements. The image should resemble a painting done with natural pigments on textured paper, capturing the silent tranquility of a Japanese morning. ```
Prompt: **Overall Format:** Visualize a high-end spring fashion collection centered around the theme of daisies. **Subject:** This collection includes a spring coat, bag, and jacket. **Subject Supplement:** Featuring clean whites and bright hues, adorned with daisy-shaped embroidery, prints, and accessories. **Art Style:** Combining the cutting-edge trends and artistic designs of mode fashion with the luxurious, decorative elements of Rococo and the dark, mysterious aspects of Gothic. **Overall Supplement:** The choice of colors and materials, and the design of the items, reflect a sophisticated blend of classical and contemporary essence. **Flavor:** The simple silhouettes of mode fashion are ingeniously integrated with elements of Rococo and Gothic, through the daisy motif, to evoke the freshness of spring in a refined style.
✉️ I believe DALL-E already possesses the capability to support professional fashion designers. For instance, it can materialize concepts by assessing excessive decorations or verifying the collars and silhouette outlines of coats and jackets, as demonstrated in the submissions. With the proliferation of DALL-E, the areas within design where financial resources are allocated could be redefined. 
Visualize a hyper-photorealistic photo of an abstract representation of the current world population of 8,000,000,000 people, depicted as colorful old si-fi robots. Each robot is holding a bouquet of daisies. The composition should capture the immense scale of humanity while conveying the unity of technology and nature through the daisies held by the robot. Crazy detailing.




定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月






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