

#美味しい #三鷹 #すずき  #めちゃくちゃ美味しい #限定ピリ辛味噌ラーメン

#ショートストーリー #発想  #考え #毎日  


#delicious #Mitaka #Suzuki #much delicious #Limited Spicy Miso Ramen

#shortstory #ideas #thoughts #everyday
#interesting novel, interesting life

If your life is interesting, you can shift it there and write about it. But I don't think you have to force yourself to live an interesting life to write an interesting novel. Just live life to the fullest in a casual way. If you have a novel to write in your mind, your life will naturally become more interesting. It is also interesting to be conscious of writing interesting novels and to live an interesting life with a sense of energy.
