
AERA Annual Meeting(全米最大の教育研究組織のカンファレンス)に参加!

I attended AERA (Amemerican Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting that happended to take place in NYC this year! (FYI, next year's venue will be Toronto.)

今回はAERA (Amemerican Educational Research Association) という全米最大の教育関係のリサーチ組織、毎年カンファレンスを開いているのですが、今回はそれがニューヨークということでまたとないチャンスだったので行ってきました!(ちなみに来年はトロントらしい)


1. Registration



This meeting is held for one week, and participants can choose whatever topic interests them and participate. Below is the poster at the registration site.


2. School Leadership

私は主に今個人リサーチをしているSchool Leadership関係のものに出席しました。

Events take place at three different hotels depending on the subtopics, where presenters make presentations that are followed by Q&A/discussion. I focused on school leadership on which I'm conducting research now.

(プレゼンの様子 Making a presentation)

3. Roundtable



Also there are Roundtables where participants can exchange their views with each other more freely. Below are the some sessions that I attended, and all of these were informative as they touched upon recent research or comparative analysis in other countries than U.S.

・Leadership and Learning for School Improvement
・Unique Challenges in Educational Leadership
・Framing and Comparing Leadership Internationally
・Transforming Schools Through Community-Driven Organizational Thinking
・Comparative Educational Reform: Lessons from Philippines, Ireland, Australia, Chile, China and the EU
・Leadership for School Improvement in International Contexts
・Leadership Toward Improvement: Perspectives of School Leaders
・How School Leaders Impact Student Learning and Achievement: Leadership Principles. Models, and Effects Revisited

4. Latest Research

こちらは昨日の最後のセッションで、Transformational Leadershipで有名なKenneth Leithwood教授がビデオチャットで最新のリサーチを説明している模様。こちらは絵にある4つのPathsを使ってリーダーシップの影響を分析するというもの。

この他にも、学校改善の段階によってリーダーシップの発揮のされ方がどのように異なるかを分析したDay, Gu & Sammons (2016)もとても示唆に富んだ情報を提供してくれました。

The pic below is taken during Prof. Kenneth Leithwood's presentation. He is a distinguished figure of Transformational Leadership, and joined via video chat to explain his recent findings on utilized four Paths that analyzed the effect of leadership. Additionally, I liked a lot Day, Gu & Sammons (2016), which examined how leaders use different strategies depending on the development stage of the school.



Since I was attending it all day last Friday and this Monday, I'm sort of exhausted but need to catch up my study. Please look forward to the coming posts as well!

