
誰もが4回は転職を経験する時代!?-Time to change jobs 4 times! ?-


 We just had this news the other day.
"From re-learning to changing jobs", the government will provide comprehensive support, with an average subsidy of 240,000 yen".
Have you ever changed jobs? I have experienced it several times. I think that both changing jobs and working for the same company for a long time are wonderful.So this time, I will extract a part of the future from "New rules for career change for Japanese people 2.0". Let me introduce you.


“Anyway, there was a mood that if I joined a large company, I would be safe for the rest of my life.However, this will no longer be the case. We are now in an age where even listed companies are no longer immune to the risk of bankruptcy. Sex is a big deal, and it is said that we live in an era of 100-year lifespans. The working life of an individual is longer than the average life of a company, and if you reach retirement age at a company you joined as a new graduate and want to continue working after that, you will inevitably experience changing jobs. . ”


In the future, the number of opportunities for a single person to change jobs in their professional life is sure to increase. Globally, American workers have the shortest average tenure of four years. It is 8 years in the UK, 10 years in Germany, 11 years in France, and 11 years in Japan (Data Book International Labor Comparison 2018). Assuming that you will work for about 40 years after graduating from university until you turn 65, if you change jobs every 12 years, it will be calculated that you will change jobs about 3.6 times. At present, there may be a polarization between those who can build a career in one company and those who repeatedly change jobs more than average, but it is natural for one person to experience changing jobs about 3 to 4 times in the future. I expect it to be.



It seems that more and more people will change jobs from now on, and the labor market will become more active. There is no right or wrong answer to either changing jobs or staying at your current company.I think you have no choice but to push forward on the path you believe in.Only once. I want you to follow your heart and make the best choices in your life.Believe in a brighter future.

See you soon.
thank you very much.

参考文献:『日本人のキャリアの新ルール 転職2・0』
著者:村上 臣





