
行きつけに通い続ける男性脳・おトクを求めてさまよう女性脳-The male brain that goes to the same place and the female brain that seeks good deals.-


Everyone, good evening. This time, we will introduce some excerpts from the title ``Gender Brain Strategy''. By the way, in the previous article, I introduced how to make a plan like a woman's brain so that you won't go awry again. You mentioned that people with female brains tend to make more rational decisions. If you like, please take a look at those articles as well.


”The male brain has a very strong tendency to continue going there once it has decided on a place, without changing it on a whim. Once you get used to it, you won't be distracted or cheated on. When posting on Facebook, etc., men tend to post photos of themselves at their "usual restaurants," while women tend to post photos of themselves at a new Italian restaurant, Japanese food they've been interested in, or with friends. There is also a wide variety of photos, such as cafes.”


Continuing to go to a place that is your territory is a manifestation of the male brain's desire to "possess" something. And this is the same in business settings. Once a person with a male brain convinces a man to fall in love with him the first time, he is unlikely to cheat after that. However, if your partner is a woman with female brains, there is a high possibility that if a better partner comes along that offers more value, you will switch to that person.”


What did you all think? There seems to be a difference in that the male brain wants to have a favorite store that they go to alone, while the female brain wants to find a store that offers better deals than going to together. Also, if you want to continue to connect with customers who have female brains in your business, it may be a good idea to constantly present further benefits and reasons. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.




