
根拠を探す男性脳・感覚を信じる女性脳-A male brain that searches for evidence, a female brain that believes in sensations-


Everyone, good evening. This time, we will introduce some excerpts from the title ``Gender Brain Strategy''. By the way, in the previous article, I introduced ways to gain trust and confidence from people you meet for the first time. The idea was to use the height of the person's eyes skillfully to guide the other person's feelings. If you like, please take a look at those articles as well.


"If you were suddenly asked, "How does a car move?", how would you explain it? People who answer the structure by saying, ``The kinetic energy generated by exploding gasoline is transmitted to the tires by the propulsion shaft, causing the tires to rotate and move forward'' are typical of male brains. In contrast, a person with a typical female brain would give the following answer. “Start the engine and press the accelerator and it will go, and press the brake and it will stop.” That's OK, but do you need a reason for that? and."


"The male brain has a tendency to seek ``evidence.'' I want to find out why and what kind of system is in place to make the tires rotate. But the female brain is different. She doesn't look for a basis in things. She accepts the reality that the answer is given, the experience of moving the car that way. And She thinks it's okay if there is a result or reality that "it works", rather than why it works."


What did you all think? A male brain that wants to find evidence and a female brain that doesn't. Although there seem to be differences in degree, these differences in thinking do not seem to change in the business scene. Next time I will introduce you to that area. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.





