
真備の教訓を語り継ぐ 西日本豪雨以前も真備には水害が繰り返しあった

Surprisingly, there were respectable women in China. In contrast, the Asahi, which has been propagating the Nanking Massacre, has never published an account of these women.

This book is the latest in a series of bound editions of his famous columns in weekly Shincho, but the original text has been polished to make it even easier to read.

【徒然読書】Nikkei The Style約3年分集め完了!


It is also a tragedy for Japan that NHK, which brings its anti-Japanese ideology into sports, is Japan's national broadcaster.

#工藤会 ナンバー2「トップに無断で指示」…1審で死刑判決の総裁の関与を否定し自らの罪認める