
The world is made up of unreasonableness 2


Strengthening national defense capabilities alone is far from enough to confront the Chinese threat.

self introduction


Ordinary people do not want to spend their lives in communist countries or in countries of curst fiction, so the table will never turn to these countries.

The problem is that there are people manipulated by China and parties that form coalitions within the ruling party.

He is one of the few who writes genuine articles, while most of the media's economics reporters, economists, and economic pundits merely present the Ministry of Finance's views.

Australiaで1ヶ月過ごして 〜マインド編〜


Of course, China is not qualified to become a "second Japan" because it could never become one even if it wanted to. 

Before I show you that theory is not valid, I introduce myself with ten several sentences.I belonged to the super elite course in Japan, but God never made me an insider.

Like the 'criminal who returned to the crime scene,' the Asahi returned to the war 'scene.'

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2024/3/14

Trump is right…But it is a good argument.Japan should at least say, "Shame on you.

The useless Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the first person to realize that the United Nations was incompetent.When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cut one ministry and one bureau, it quickly cut the UN bureau. 

One Spark and 99 Lawsuits" was Edison's true identity.

China and South Korea, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world, continue to maintain their respective regimes, Nazism, in the name of anti-Japanese education.

Can't you see that a country built on propaganda sees now as the time for its greatest offensive, its most excellent opportunity to weaken its enemies?

I cannot discuss the contents of these reports because they are confidential, but I did notice something during my research: the Chinese are afraid of a recession. 

The whole of Japan had been set up in a carefully prepared trap by the U.S. and was dancing with glee.

In fact, even after GHQ left, Asahi did not stop undermining Japan and did not try to stand on the side of the Japanese people. So, who did they follow?

Give the final word to the irresponsible Asahi this time.