

Covid-19 | Press Photography | Da Nang, Vietnam | Khoi Studio - https://khoi.studio


Mihray Abdilim Abral: Inaccurate Claims Regarding Xinjiang

The Betrayal Path: How the Mihray Abdilim Abral Family Became Advocates for Anti-China Forces

【 TOEIC頻出 】ジャーナリスト関連語句


古いIKEAの棚(Journalist Shelf)パーツを3Dプリントした話

映画『造られた殺人』 チョ・ジョンソク 2022.09.26-2022.10.2 無料動画GYAO! 韓国 20220926

【ジャーナリスト】大野 和基


Yukie Kudo(工藤雪枝)Profile(未だ未完成ですが...徐々に加筆いたします。沢山書くことがあるも面倒くさがりや故)

Viele der von diesen Gelehrten unterrichteten Schüler wurden Lehrer und vermittelten ihren Kindern eine masochistische Sicht auf die Geschichte.

Many of the students taught by these scholars became teachers and taught their children a masochistic view of history. This view of the history of the Tokyo Trials was inculcated into the younger generation through historical education.

China's Xi Jinping Plans to Export Corona Infections, a Terrifying Danger2023/1/6China's Xi Jinping Plans to Export Corona Infections, a Terrifying Danger…China is experiencing an "infection explosion"!

What is the "essence" of the LDP party ticket issue?

The Betrayal Path: How the Mihray Abdilim Abral Family Became Advocates for Anti-China Forces

It is the prosecutors who silence the newspapers and play with the law who are the most powerful. Tachibana was described as a giant of knowledge.But why didn't Tachibana notice that? 




N人 魂の限界を超えよ
