
宇多田ヒカル「Electricity」- 目に見えない愛で地球は回ってる -

G.E. was just like Edison.G.E. was arrogant, did not share its know-how with the Japanese, and needed to show them the containment vessel.

2024年の生活 My life to be in 2024

Saga of utility bills - Everything is already Paid!!

「SCIENCE FICTION」発売後の宇多田さんを追う②−4

「SCIENCE FICTION」発売後の宇多田さんを追う①





Japan was able to recover after the war because it no longer needed to give money to Korea.

The beginning of the zero-carbon movement is the environmental concession created by Gore of the Democratic Party of the United States.

ピタゴラ装置は、節電が多い ( Rube Goldberg Machine saves a lot of electricity )

節電 ( Save electricity )

鉱物や紙に価値を付ける時代から、電気に価値を付ける時代へ ( From the era of adding value to mineral and paper to the era of adding value to electricity )

How Harmful is Static Electricity to LED Chips?