
However, it is rare to find a country with no nationality or racial discrimination, as in Japan.

Isn't it true that Asahi is a fake newspaper of the fake era, which does not report facts and changes its principles for convenience?

This kind of development is similar to the mood that existed for a period after the war, when left-wing scholars, led by MacArthur, called for dismantling the chaebols and dismantling the nation.

Apple TV+のドラマ「PACHINKO」の、日本語字幕が不完全なところを勝手に補足する

在日と呼ばれたくない人で悪いですか 7

t paljastaa täydellisesti, miksi NHK:n, TBS:n ja TV Asahin jne. puolueellinen raportointi.

t avslører perfekt hvorfor den partiske rapporteringen av NHK, TBS og TV Asahi etc.

Väärennöslehti väärennösten aikakaudella

No entanto, é raro encontrar um país sem nacionalidade ou discriminação racial, como é o caso do Japão.

Allerdings findet man selten ein Land ohne Nationalitäts- oder Rassendiskriminierung wie in Japan.

Sin embargo, es raro encontrar un país sin nacionalidad ni discriminación racial, como en Japón.

Tuttavia, è raro trovare un paese senza discriminazioni nazionali o razziali, come in Giappone.

Even the world's most well-known intellectuals are being carried along by Kan, chanting, "No more nuclear power plants!"

Pseudo-Japanese posing as Japanese. Who do you think you are? There was a group of people who shattered the fingers and faces of dead bodies in disaster areas and took their rings and gold crowns. Kang Sang-jung, who called himself "Tetsuo Nagano