
Happy Women's Map 北海道 日本初アイヌ作家 知里 幸恵 女史 

-知里幸恵 銀のしずく記念館 Chiri Yukie Memorial Museum

"Challenges! Let my being be consumed in the fierce flames burning in my heart, let my spirit be cleansed in tears flowing like a spring..."

知里 幸恵 女史 
Ms. Yukie Chiri
1903 - 1922
北海道登別市登別本町2丁目 生誕
Born in Noboribetu-city, Hokkai-Do

Ms. Yukie Chiri is the author of "Ainu Kamuy Yukar" (Ainu Divine Songs), the first written collection of Ainu narratives by an Ainu person.

「アイヌ讃美歌 YESU EN OMAP」

"Ainu of the Lost Nation"
Ms. Yukie Chiri was born to Ainu parents, her father, Takayoshi, and her mother, Nami. Her father, Takayoshi, had samurai blood from the southern clan and worked for the Takimoto Kanezo couple, who were developers of the Noboribetsu Onsen. He was treated kindly by them and learned how to read, write, and do arithmetic. He also received land for forestry and agriculture, starting the management of the Chiri Ranch with Ainu colleagues. During the Russo-Japanese War, he joined the 7th Division of Asahikawa, fought valiantly in the fierce battle for Hill 203, and was awarded the Order of the Golden Kite. However, after returning, he found it difficult to work adequately. Yukie's mother, Nami, along with her sister Mats, went to Hakodate, where they studied Christianity and English at the "Love Thy Neighbor School" run by British missionary John Batchelor. They also acquired qualifications as evangelists and worked at the church in Hidaka. Yukie's maternal great-grandfather, Yoshikura, was a respected and wealthy figure among both Ainu and Japanese in Noboribetsu. He had supported John Batchelor's efforts to build the church, but he was eventually deceived by the Japanese, who took away his entire fortune. Nami married Takayoshi and contributed to the family by taking on the demanding tasks of clearing land and agricultural work due to Takayoshi's inability to perform heavy labor. In 1899, just before Yukie's birth, the Meiji government enacted the "Former Hokkaido Natives Protection Law." This led to the confiscation of Ainu lands, prohibition of their sources of income such as fishing and hunting, suppression of Ainu customs and traditions, compulsory use of the Japanese language, mandatory adoption of Japanese-style names, and integration into Japanese-style family registers. These measures placed the Ainu way of life and traditional culture at risk of extinction.
"Ainu Hymn - YESU EN OMAP"
Kieko was born along the banks of the Chitose River in Muroran, and at the age of six, she was taken in by her aunt, Matsu, while living with her grandmother, Monashinouk. Matsu, a member of the Japanese Anglican Church, conducted missionary work and ran a Sunday school for Ainu women, teaching them sewing, reading, Roman letters, and more. Kieko assisted Matsu, singing Ainu hymns with the children. Monashinouk was an Ainu priestess who foretold good fortunes and chanted the Ainu epic "Kamuy Yukar." From her, Kieko learned the myths of the natural gods and legendary heroes. Kieko received her education at a Christian Ainu school constructed through negotiations by her maternal uncle, Taro, with the government. Taro took on the role of a teacher at the Ainu school but went missing while delivering a petition to the parliament for Ainu autonomy. Kieko persevered under the assimilationist educational system, studying Japanese diligently. She became the first Ainu girl to attempt to enter the Hokkaido Asahikawa Girls' High School but faced rejection. At the age of 14, she entered the Asahikawa Municipal Girls' Vocational School, ranking fourth among 110 students. As the only Ainu student, she experienced discrimination and bullying from her classmates but continued her studies, walking 6 km to school every day. Kieko once said, "Have I ever truly had friends?" She persevered despite heart disease and irregular school attendance. During this time, she met an Ainu youth, Sotaro Murai, at a Sunday school, and they promised to marry while discussing the future of the Ainu people.
"Ainu Epic"
At the age of 15, Kieko was visited by linguist Kyosuke Kindaichi who came to meet her grandmother, Monashinouk. Kindaichi passionately recorded Monashinouk's chants of "Yukara" late into the night, praising them as one of the world's great epics. Kieko assisted as an interpreter and made a resolute decision: "For my sake, for the Ainu people, for Mr. Kindaichi, for the sake of scholarship, for Japan, and for the entire world, I will write." Kieko began transcribing "Kamuy Yukar" in Roman letters. While her heart disease worsened, Kieko translated a three-volume collection of Ainu legends into Japanese. She sent this to Kindaichi for publication. Kindaichi invited her to Tokyo for further collaboration, and Kieko, against her parents' opposition, held a mock wedding at her lover Sotaro's family home, promising, "I will fulfill my duty and return. Like a migratory bird returning to the shores of Chikappu." Welcomed into Kindaichi's Tokyo home in Hongo, Kieko faced curious stares but attended church, cared for children with Kindaichi's wife, Shizue, and continued her translation, editing, and proofreading work with Kindaichi. One day, Kieko learned from a letter from Matsu that her friend, Yasuko, had been sold to a brothel run by Japanese women and had died. Kieko, filled with rage, received Kindaichi's counsel: "This is why the Ainu people regard everything they see before them as accursed. A trial! A trial!! Let the flames of intense passion burn within your heart. Wash yourself in tears of fervor gushing like a spring." After just over four months in Tokyo, Kieko completed the "Ainu Hymn Collection" despite experiencing her second heart attack, passing away at the age of 19 that very night.

-知里幸恵 銀のしずく記念館 Chiri Yukie Memorial Museum
-北海道新聞 Hokkaido News

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